okfn / timemapper

Create and share elegant timelines and timemaps fast
MIT License
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Timemapper refuses Google Drive Login and "This URL doesn't exists" #217

Open artselig opened 4 years ago

artselig commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I just found out about Timemapper and would love to use ist due my researching for my BA. Unfortuenately I can't create any timeline. Neither the Upload via Google Drive works nor is the URL accepted after publishing the sheet. Is there anything I can do or that I maybe do wrong?

This is the URL of the published sheet that I tried to use and where I always get the warning that the URL doesn't exist?! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GruAdqfqWbiF_IleW_nvAMAu-jYCMu8-/view

The sheet is based on the offered version, I don't want to invest too may time in trying but it would be the perfect tool.

Aengineerdu commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. Google says that the API is not verified.

Aengineerdu commented 4 years ago

I have a timemap created several years ago that still works fine. It's only creating a new one that is blocked.

Aengineerdu commented 4 years ago

Here's my URL that works fine in a browser, but is blocked when I enter it to TM. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSbbJwz4Swey9729gqAsqVMiOQ4e14yJsAZWQuexpqoUWMmj7-DkfhgqLqXJ7CLDwjAzm5x6qLo6QGZ/pubhtml

I tried a sharing version, but that didn't work either.