Parts of the coding standard are language specific, and parts are workflow specific. The workflow points are important for you. If you want to contribute language-related standards to our docs for your language, we welcome it!
[x] Write a set of high-level issues for each library, on the respective issue tracker, that outline the work plan
Note the structure of this issue: A narrative description and a specific list of tasks. Follow a similar pattern
The sequence of work is important: start with the Table Schema library first, as the Data Package library has a direct dependency on it
[x] Note the communication protocol for this work: All communication around the implementation must be in public. We want our work dynamic here to serve as an example for other implementors, and to share as much information as possible. There are two channels of communication:
GitHub Issues on tableschema-{LANG} and datapackage-{LANG}
This issue documents the initial steps to get started with a new Frictionless Data implementation.