okigan / awscurl

curl-like access to AWS resources with AWS Signature Version 4 request signing.
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raise_for_request should not be used for non-successful response #152

Closed stephenmuss closed 1 year ago

stephenmuss commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I'm wondering why you elected to use response.raise_for_status() after receiving the response - https://github.com/okigan/awscurl/blob/184d7735b57d5c71f75f52a85cc8c8909226b6d5/awscurl/awscurl.py#L537

Would it not make more sense to return an exit code that is either 0 for a successful request or non-zero for a non-successful request?

This would mean tools such as jq etc could still parse the response without the Python traceback interfering where a non-successful status code may still be anticipated.

Happy to open a PR if it makes sense.

okigan commented 1 year ago

Thanks for looking into it.

If I recall, the intent was that raise_for_status() would raise an exception which would cause a different return code

I've made this repo to show the intent, check out and run venv and test targets.

Is this working as intended?

stephenmuss commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your quick response @okigan. I understand the intention, the main issue with raise_for_status() is that it raises an exception and will print also print a traceback.

As an example, using awscurl to call a lambda function url with something like the following:

awscurl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"foo": "bar"}' --service lambda --region us-east-1 https://foo.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws/

I may expect to get a non-200 status code if the payload is incorrect. Currently with raise_for_status() this looks like

{"errors": {"msg": "Some detailed error description"}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/steve/.local/share/virtualenvs/example/bin/awscurl", line 8, in <module>
  File "/Users/steve/.local/share/virtualenvs/example/lib/python3.10/site-packages/awscurl/awscurl.py", line 521, in main
  File "/Users/steve/.local/share/virtualenvs/example/lib/python3.10/site-packages/awscurl/awscurl.py", line 515, in inner_main
  File "/Users/steve/.local/share/virtualenvs/example/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 1021, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url: https://foo.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws/

Whereas this would be more desirable

{"errors": {"msg": "Some detailed error description"}}

If the main intention was to raise a non-zero exit code could I suggest this instead?


    exit_code = 0 if response.ok else 1

    return exit_code
stephenmuss commented 1 year ago

I'm happy to open a PR if you are amenable to that.

okigan commented 1 year ago

Yes, PR would be great!

I had a quick look at response.ok and looks like it also calls raise_for_status which would still produce the output you'd like to avoid? Something similar to this could get the behavior you are looking for.

Again, thanks for looking into this.

stephenmuss commented 1 year ago

Thanks @okigan. I have opened a PR in #153 with an explanation of why response.ok is still sufficient. Thanks for being open to the PR and even more thanks for the very handy tool you've written.