okigan / awscurl

curl-like access to AWS resources with AWS Signature Version 4 request signing.
MIT License
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Can you show an example of calling aws curl from using the docker container that returns an error code to the calling process please? #190

Closed preetmyob closed 7 months ago

preetmyob commented 7 months ago

Scenario: I'm running awscurl to validate that I've deployed my APIs correctly and that have a simple version endpoint that should return some info if called with a GET

docker run --rm \
    -ti \
    -v "$HOME/.aws:/root/.aws" \
    -e AWS_PROFILE \
    -e AWS_REGION \
    "okigan/awscurl:$image_version" \

Problem: I don't know how to get an error code if the domain return something other than 200.

Solution: I'd like to get either a binary passed/failed, or more ideally the status code of the call

preetmyob commented 7 months ago

It's ok I've worked it out:

you can use

docker container inspect nnnn --format={{.State.ExitCode}} where nnnn is the exited container id, or just use the exit code from bash echo $?