oklai / koala

Koala is a GUI application for less, sass and coffeescript compilation, to help web developers to the development more efficient.
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BUG >> Html tag &.class is compiled as html tag with a class inside. #832

Open thefullstackunicorn opened 3 years ago

thefullstackunicorn commented 3 years ago

This SASS instruction

.dark { .red { & svg { &:hover { fill: $red-dark }}}}

is compiled

.dark .hover .red svg:hover { fill: #8B0000; } instead of

dark .hover svg:hover.red { fill: #8B0000; } Current result is that after compile, in CSS svg is inside the class RED, while it should be at the same level.

I solved the issue putting a class .svg to the svg element, and in that case it worked.