oklai / koala

Koala is a GUI application for less, sass and coffeescript compilation, to help web developers to the development more efficient.
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Compiling error: $color #844

Open yitong-zhang opened 2 years ago

yitong-zhang commented 2 years ago

When I test the compiler with bootstrap's original scss, I got the below error:

Error!: $color:"var(--bs-primary-rgb)"is not a color for 'rgba' on line 47 of ..../_functions.scss from line 11 of .../bootstrap.scss

line 40-47 of ..../_functions.scss:

// stylelint-disable scss/dollar-variable-pattern
@function rgba-css-var($identifier, $target) {
  @if $identifier == "body" and $target == "bg" {
    @return rgba(var(--#{$variable-prefix}#{$identifier}-bg-rgb), var(--#{$variable-prefix}#{$target}-opacity));
  } @if $identifier == "body" and $target == "text" {
    @return rgba(var(--#{$variable-prefix}#{$identifier}-color-rgb), var(--#{$variable-prefix}#{$target}-opacity));
  } @else {
    @return rgba(var(--#{$variable-prefix}#{$identifier}-rgb), var(--#{$variable-prefix}#{$target}-opacity));

line 11 of .../bootstrap.scss:

@import "variables";
mahyaghadrdan commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. I don't know what the solution is