oklona / Miele-MQTT

A very simple script to read data from Miele@home cloud services, and publish using Mosquitto MQTT
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Add language= parameter to API queries #29

Closed christianTF closed 3 years ago

christianTF commented 3 years ago

This closes #27

oklona commented 3 years ago

The language - commit is easy to approve of. I normally don't like the short-form if-statements ( if x ? a:b ) as I find them less readable for "the general public", but it does make sense to use them. I am more concerned about the second commit, with the quotes. I probably added quotes for some reason at one point, but this might be historical, since I used to pass it to command-line mosquitto_pub instead of using the current phpMQTT by BlueRhinos. I will test by just removing the quotes entirely.

oklona commented 3 years ago

So, if you could remove the quotes-commit from the PR, I will approve :-) -And then I will just remove the quotes entirely to make the code as clean as possible.

christianTF commented 3 years ago

No idea how to remove one of two commits in a pull request 🤪 I‘ll try this after work 🙂

I did some further testing on how to remove the token request in the middle of the wizard, and auto-fill them on start (without wizard), if all required params are in the config. This took some major changes, therefore I won’t push that.

oklona commented 3 years ago

Haha, no problem! I will just approve as it is then, and shortly after, make a new change with just removing the quotes.