okor / justice

Embeddable script for displaying web page performance metrics.
MIT License
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bookmarklet #24

Closed dominikwilkowski closed 8 years ago

dominikwilkowski commented 9 years ago

:+1: for the bookmarklet in your roadmap! That would proof very handy!!

okor commented 9 years ago

I generally dislike bookmarklets because the browser will try to string match on your bookmarks which can freeze the primary text input field for search (in Chrome at least) when you have a long bookmarklet. They are implemented in a very half ass way.

But, sigh. I did actually have a bookmarklet on the project page for a while. I'll try to get a repeatable grunt task down build building it and put it back up there.

x1024 commented 9 years ago

+1 for bookmarklets. Any performance work I do starts with an estimate of what needs to be done. This is usually done before getting write access to the client's servers, so a bookmarklet is the only viable solution (that doesn't involve copy-pasting huge amounts of code in the console).

okor commented 9 years ago

@x1024 @dominikwilkowski I've added a bookmarklet to the demo page: http://okor.github.io/justice/

I just manually created it but will try to get it into the build process soon so it's always fresh.

dominikwilkowski commented 9 years ago


dominikwilkowski commented 8 years ago

We can close this, no?