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content/51/power-bi-report-server-api-upload #17

Open utterances-bot opened 7 months ago

utterances-bot commented 7 months ago

Upload Large Power BI Reports to Power BI Report Server via the API - Business wIntelligence


danield72 commented 7 months ago

Hi Pedro - your PS script demonstrating how to upload a PBIX to PBIRS has been incredibly valuable to me, as the formal documentation at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi-report/power-bi-reports/add-power-bi-report does not provide any of the vital details. I was able to rewrite your script to C# and the result works rather beautifully.

Now that my PBIX file is on PBIRS, I need to define a new (very simple) dataset that consists of one table and a few columns (matching the original dataset already in the PBIX file) and send this to PBIRS. I've managed to do this for the online version of PowerBI by defining my dataset as a JSON string and using the REST API at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/push-datasets/datasets-post-dataset-in-group

What's the equivalent for PBIRS? I'm assuming https: //learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi-report/data-sets/add-data-set is the correct API, but again, the page is seriously lacking in terms of what data needs to be provided and how.

My next step (after that) would be to push new rows of data into that dataset, and finally to bind the new dataset to the PBIX file, but one step at a time... I would appreciate any pointers. Thanks!