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getting revised due dates for students that were given extensions #1373

Open tbrown122387 opened 4 years ago

tbrown122387 commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to make available the revised due date in the metadata for each student's assignment submissions?

I usually download all assignment submissions by visiting the assignment's web page, and then clicking "Download Submissions" on the left hand side. In each student's folder, inside the randomly-named sub-folder, there's always a file called info.json. There's a date time object with its key either called "subm_time_local" or "custom_time_local." If it's the latter, that typically means the student was given an extension and was permitted to submit after the lock date.

However, instead of knowing whether a student was given an extension, Id like to know the due date of that extension. I run the autograding scripts written by @Sumukh on my local machine, which means I might be using the software in an unconventional way. If this is the case, how do you guys typically access this information?