okrasolar / Cicada

IoT Communications Module for Energy Access. An easy way to get production ready, bi-directional communications for your IoT embedded device. Proiect supported by the EnAccess Foundation - https://enaccess.org
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Add Zephyr support #1

Closed martinjaeger closed 2 years ago

martinjaeger commented 4 years ago

We didn't finally switch to Cicada as the driver for our SIM800 module, but I think adding the Zephyr RTOS platform to the main repository might still be useful for others.

lippit commented 4 years ago

Thanks, will have a look! I'm curious, what did you finally end up using as the driver?

martinjaeger commented 4 years ago

Hi @lippit, sorry for the late reply.

We had our own implementation of a SIM800 driver already before you published Cicada. It had some issues with seldom (but seemingly random) disconnects from the network, so we considered replacing it with Cicada. However, we finally found a solution for the issue. As we are more familiar with our own implementation, we keep using that for now... but might still consider switching to Cicada in the future in order to support also the 4G modules.