okta / okta-auth-js

The official js wrapper around Okta's auth API
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Redirect to redirect_uri not happening after @okta/okta-signin-widget upgrade from 4 to 5 #976

Open florin05 opened 3 years ago

florin05 commented 3 years ago


We have an Angular app using "@okta/okta-signin-widget": "version": "5.12.0", with this configuration

 redirectUri: window.location.origin + environment.authorizationCallbackUri,
 authParams: {
      issuer: environment.oktaServer + '/oauth2/default',
      pkce: true,
      responseType: ['code'],
      responseMode: 'query',

After upgrade from Angular 9 to 11 (and the widget from 5.4 to 5.12) the redirect to call back client url is not happening anymore I see two new parameters (10 and 11 below) in this request https:///oauth2/default/v1/authorize Not sure why they are there now, but I am guessing they are responsible for the fact that now we don't see the 302 redirect as the outcome of the "/authorize" call.

  1. client_id: ...
  2. code_challenge: ...
  3. code_challenge_method: S256
  4. nonce: ...
  5. redirect_uri: .../authorization-code/callback
  6. response_type: code
  7. sessionToken: ...
  8. state: ...
  9. scope: openid email
  10. prompt: none
  11. response_mode: okta_post_message
aarongranick-okta commented 3 years ago

@florin05 Thank you for using Okta. Those two parameters you are seeing, "prompt" and "response_mode" are are used by the widget when silently receiving tokens. I am assuming since you are using Angular, this is a SPA application. (Please confirm). In many cases it is not necessary for SPA applications to redirect and the tokens are returned directly by the widget.

For example:

oktaSignIn.showSignIn().then(res => {

This will retrieve tokens, set them in storage, and then navigate to the app origin or protected route (if that is what triggered the login)


(Note that while this sample uses showSignInToGetTokens, we recommend using showSignIn as it can also handle cases where your app WILL need to handle a callback on redirectURI, such as when using a 3rd party IDP)

florin05 commented 3 years ago

@aarongranick-okta , thank you for your answer. Indeed our app, like all Angular ones I believe, is a SPA application.

We have our own wrapper around the @okta/okta-signin-widget and have been using is successfully with versions 4* of that widget. We have the PKCE workflow and was redirecting to the call back url after authentication.

But seems like after we upgraded to version 5*, the redirect step is not happening, from what I read here https://github.com/okta/okta-signin-widget#authclient

SPA Application

Although a redirectUri is required in the configuration, no redirection will occur using this flow. The Sign-in Widget will > communicate with Okta and receive tokens directly.

I thought that was part of the PKCE flow, a callback is always needed to exchange/validate the code and get the tokens. Does this mean that now PKCE, the default flow, works without that callback redirect? Or do I need to invoke that step explicitly?