Open chowdarym05 opened 2 months ago
Hi @chowdarym05, here is a small sample I adopted from okta-idx-swift's basic login sample:
class BasicLogin {
val flow: InteractionCodeFlow = InteractionCodeFlow()
suspend fun login(username: String, password: String): OAuth2ClientResult<Token> {
// Starts authentication, getting the first initial response. This
// usually is a prompt to input the user's identifier (username), and
// depending on policy settings, may also include a field for the user's
// password.
when (flow.start(redirectUri = Uri.parse(BuildConfig.REDIRECT_URI))) {
is OAuth2ClientResult.Error -> TODO("Error case")
else -> {
// Do nothing
var result = flow.resume()
while (result is OAuth2ClientResult.Success && !result.result.isLoginSuccessful) {
val response = result.result
if (response.messages.messages.isNotEmpty()) {
throw Exception(response.messages.messages[0].message)
// Look for username remediation and proceed, then do the same for password in the next iteration
response.remediations.get(IdxRemediation.Type.IDENTIFY)?.let { usernameRemediation ->
val usernameField =
usernameRemediation["identifier"] ?: throw Exception("No username field")
usernameField.value = username
result = flow.proceed(usernameRemediation)
} ?: run {
val passwordRemediation =
?: throw Exception("No username or password field")
if (passwordRemediation.authenticators.get(IdxAuthenticator.Kind.PASSWORD) == null) throw Exception(
"Unexpected authenticator"
val passwordField = passwordRemediation["credentials.passcode"]
?: throw Exception("No password field in password remediation")
passwordField.value = password
result = flow.proceed(passwordRemediation)
val response = result.getOrThrow()
if (response.isLoginSuccessful) {
return flow.exchangeInteractionCodeForTokens(response.remediations[IdxRemediation.Type.ISSUE]!!)
} else {
throw Exception("Something went wrong")
Let me know if this helps with your use case. I will look to adding this sample into this repository for smoother experience
Hi Rajdeep, Thanks alot for the code snippet. I am able to successfully implement okta login. I am working on logout using credential.revokeToken(RevokeTokenType.ACCESS_TOKEN), and token refreshing part. I am facing an issue here. I am trying to store access token using Credential.default = But getting below exception: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found
Any suggestion here would be appreciated
Hi @chowdarym05, I wasn't able to reproduce this issue, but I found a similar issue reported on stackoverflow:
The suggested fix is to use useLegacyPackaging = true in your app's build.gradle. Could you also list your minSdk, targetSdk, and compileSdk details? Maybe that will help me with reproducing this issue
Describe the feature request?
am currently working on integrating Okta authentication into our company application. After reviewing the dynamic app example provided in the Okta IDX Android GitHub repository, I noticed that it displays its own login screens for user authentication.
However, I would like to retain our existing login screen and implement Okta authentication in the background. My goal is to allow users to enter their username and password on our custom UI while still leveraging Okta’s authentication services.
Could you please provide guidance on how to achieve this?
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Specifically, I’m looking for insights on:
How to bypass the default login screens provided by the Okta SDK. How to programmatically authenticate users using Okta with the credentials collected from our custom login screen.