okta / okta-oidc-android

OIDC SDK for Android
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webAuthClient.SignOut was successful but doesn't clear browser session #292

Closed satyajitvure91 closed 2 years ago

satyajitvure91 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to signOut of Okta and was able to do that successfully using webAuthClient.SignOut and the onSuccess callback was triggered. But when I try to signIn again the browser returns the previous session. am I missing anything here?

    fun provideWebAuthClient(
        config: OIDCConfig,
        @ApplicationContext context: Context,
        encryptedSharedPreferenceStorage: EncryptedSharedPreferenceStorage
    ): WebAuthClient {
        return OktaClient.WebAuthBuilder()

This is what I'm doing on clicking logout

activity?.let { webAuthClient.signOut(it, ALL, object: RequestCallback<Int, AuthorizationException>{
            override fun onSuccess(result: Int) {
                if (result == SUCCESS) {
                    Log.d("LSV", "onSuccess: signed out")

            override fun onError(error: String?, exception: AuthorizationException?) {
                Log.e("Error", exception?.localizedMessage.toString())
        }) }

Now when I go back to sign in page and click login, the browser opens and redirects to the app with the previous session.

JayNewstrom commented 2 years ago

Please have a look at our sign out documentation. https://github.com/okta/okta-oidc-android#sign-out

You need to use the signOutOfOkta method in order to sign the user out from the browser too.

satyajitvure91 commented 2 years ago

Thank you @JayNewstrom I have updated the logout call

override fun logout() {
        if (webAuthClient.sessionClient.isAuthenticated) {
            activity?.let {

And in the callback, I am clearing the sessionClient too

private fun registerWebAuthCallback() {
            object : ResultCallback<AuthorizationStatus?, AuthorizationException?> {
                override fun onSuccess(status: AuthorizationStatus) {
                    if (status == AuthorizationStatus.AUTHORIZED) {
                        Log.d("LSV", "onSuccess: LoggedIn")
                    } else if (status == AuthorizationStatus.SIGNED_OUT) {
                       Log.d("LSV", "Signed out")

                override fun onCancel() {
                    // authorization canceled
                    Log.d("Cancelled", "cancelled")

                override fun onError(msg: String?, exception: AuthorizationException?) {
                    Log.e("Error", msg.toString())

And I am calling registerWebAuthCallback() in onViewCreated() . I can see in logcat that "Signed out" message is printed and I also made a check to see if tokens are empty before calling the webAuthClient.signIn() method. But for some reason in the browser, I see that previous session still persists.

JayNewstrom commented 2 years ago

Can you recreate this in our sample applications? We're not seeing this behavior there.

satyajitvure91 commented 2 years ago

I tried the sample app with our organization's configuration and I still see the same issue. I sign out and clear data and I try to sign in but the same thing happened on the sample app as well.

JayNewstrom commented 2 years ago

@satyajitvure91 could you try creating a new dev org and trying with another basic configuration?

satyajitvure91 commented 2 years ago

I actually did try that with my own sample dev configuration and it is working as intended. Is it something to do with our organization's setup?

JayNewstrom commented 2 years ago

Does your endSessionRedirectUri match what's in the admin console? Does your discoveryUri match what's in the console?