I use native custom elements with shadow dom (LitElement) to develop SPA web applications, but the Okta SignIn Widget doesn't really play nicely.
Expected behavior
I should be able to wrap the Okta SignIn Widget in a custom element with shadow dom with styling.
What went wrong?
The Okta SignIn Widget can't be imported as a native ES module with module resolution (not just with WebPack).
It can't render to a shadow dom hosted container element.
The styles can't be imported and attached to the shadow root.
You can't bundle everything with a custom element.
Feature Request
Ideally, first prize would be to provide the Okta SignIn Widget as a native custom element with shadow dom, but failing that, perhaps address the issues above so it can be wrapped in a custom element.
A native custom element will make it much easier to just drop into an existing web application that uses Angular, React, Vue, Polymer, LitElement, VanillaJS, etc. A single implementation will support all frameworks.
I'm submitting a
Background info
I use native custom elements with shadow dom (LitElement) to develop SPA web applications, but the Okta SignIn Widget doesn't really play nicely.
Expected behavior
I should be able to wrap the Okta SignIn Widget in a custom element with shadow dom with styling.
What went wrong?
Feature Request
Ideally, first prize would be to provide the Okta SignIn Widget as a native custom element with shadow dom, but failing that, perhaps address the issues above so it can be wrapped in a custom element.
A native custom element will make it much easier to just drop into an existing web application that uses Angular, React, Vue, Polymer, LitElement, VanillaJS, etc. A single implementation will support all frameworks.