okta / terraform-provider-okta

A Terraform provider to manage Okta resources, enabling infrastructure-as-code provisioning and management of users, groups, applications, and other Okta objects.
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`okta_policy_mfa` - various bugs, incl tfstate deadlock #1623

Open exitcode0 opened 1 year ago

exitcode0 commented 1 year ago

Community Note

Affected Resource(s)

Expected Behavior

okta_policy_mfa should:

Actual Behavior

okta_policy_mfa behaves as follows:

Do you have a workaround?

These bugs can be worked around using the Admin UI or Admin Management API because the bugs are in the terraform provider layer (as far as I can tell)

Important Factoids

I've come across these bugs whilst attempting to troubleshoot one of my own, it's unclear to me if these are the bug(s) I'm experiencing I suspect that this resource may be buggy when authenticators are disabled, which is what I suspected caused my current issue

References / Related issues

Terraform Version

Terraform v1.1.6
on darwin_arm64
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/http v3.4.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/okta/okta v3.41.0

Terraform Configuration Files

Click to Expand | main.tf `main.tf` ```hcl terraform { required_providers { okta = { source = "okta/okta" version = "3.41.0" } } } provider "okta" { org_name = var.OKTA_ORG_NAME base_url = var.OKTA_BASE_URL api_token = var.OKTA_API_TOKEN max_api_capacity = 90 } variable "OKTA_ORG_NAME" {} variable "OKTA_BASE_URL" {} variable "OKTA_API_TOKEN" { sensitive = true } ```
Click to Expand | policy_mfa.tf `policy_mfa.tf` ```hcl resource "okta_group" "test_group" { name = "test_mfa_policy" description = "Requires both Okta Verify and WebAuthn" skip_users = true } locals { instance_url = "https://${var.OKTA_ORG_NAME}.${var.OKTA_BASE_URL}" } data "http" "authenticators" { url = "${local.instance_url}/api/v1/authenticators" request_headers = { Authorization = "SSWS ${var.OKTA_API_TOKEN}" } } output "raw_authenticators" { value = jsondecode(data.http.authenticators.body) } output "authenticators" { value = { for factor in jsondecode(data.http.authenticators.body) : factor.key => factor.status } } output "group_id" { value = okta_group.test_group.id } resource "okta_policy_mfa" "test_mfa_policy" { priority = 1 is_oie = true status = "ACTIVE" name = "test_mfa_policy" groups_included = [ okta_group.test_group.id, ] okta_email = { "enroll" = "REQUIRED" } okta_verify = { "enroll" = "REQUIRED" } okta_password = { "enroll" = "REQUIRED" } webauthn = { "enroll" = "REQUIRED" } security_question = { "enroll" = "NOT_ALLOWED" } symantec_vip = { "enroll" = "NOT_ALLOWED" } # duo = { # "enroll" = "NOT_ALLOWED" # } } resource "okta_policy_rule_mfa" "mfa_rule_require_verify_webauthn" { priority = 1 status = "ACTIVE" name = "Enrolment Rule" enroll = "CHALLENGE" network_connection = "ANYWHERE" policy_id = okta_policy_mfa.test_mfa_policy.id users_excluded = [] } ```

Steps to Reproduce

Click to Expand | Steps to Reproduce ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "$(pwd)" echo 'proceed? (y/n)' read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ]; then echo "Proceeding..." elif [ "$answer" == "n" ]; then echo "Exiting..." exit 1 fi # TF_LOG=DEBUG # TF_LOG=INFO OKTA_ORG_NAME="" # this script was tested against a dev-xxxxx instance OKTA_BASE_URL="okta.com" OKTA_API_TOKEN="" # ### `Destroy` or `rm` ensure we have a clean starting point terraform destroy --auto-approve \ -var OKTA_ORG_NAME=$OKTA_ORG_NAME \ -var OKTA_BASE_URL=$OKTA_BASE_URL \ -var OKTA_API_TOKEN=$OKTA_API_TOKEN > debug_destroy.txt rm ./*.tfstate* terraform apply --auto-approve \ -var OKTA_ORG_NAME=$OKTA_ORG_NAME \ -var OKTA_BASE_URL=$OKTA_BASE_URL \ -var OKTA_API_TOKEN=$OKTA_API_TOKEN > debug_1.txt # sed -i doesnt want to work for me for some reason - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ # uncomment duo mfa block pbcopy < ./sandbox.tf && pbpaste | sed 's/ # /\ /g' > ./sandbox.tf terraform apply --auto-approve \ -var OKTA_ORG_NAME=$OKTA_ORG_NAME \ -var OKTA_BASE_URL=$OKTA_BASE_URL \ -var OKTA_API_TOKEN=$OKTA_API_TOKEN > debug_2.txt # sed -i doesnt want to work for me for some reason - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ # recomment duo mfa block after realising your mistake # note that line numbers are hard-coded 51-53 pbcopy < ./sandbox.tf && pbpaste | sed '51,53 s/^ / # /' > ./sandbox.tf policy_id="$(cat ./terraform.tfstate |jq -r '.resources[] | select(.name == "test_mfa_policy") | .instances[0].attributes.id')" group_id="$(cat ./terraform.tfstate |jq -r '.resources[] | select(.name == "test_group") | .instances[0].attributes.id')" # cause drift on purpose echo "policy_id - \"$policy_id\"" echo "group_id - \"$group_id\"" curl -X 'PUT' -i "https://$OKTA_ORG_NAME.$OKTA_BASE_URL/api/v1/policies/$policy_id" \ -H "Authorization: SSWS $OKTA_API_TOKEN" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{"name":"test_mfa_policy","priority":1,"status":"ACTIVE","system":false,"type":"MFA_ENROLL","conditions":{"people":{"groups":{"include":["'$group_id'"]}}},"settings":{"type":"AUTHENTICATORS","authenticators":[{"key":"okta_email","enroll":{"self":"REQUIRED"}},{"key":"okta_verify","enroll":{"self":"REQUIRED"}},{"key":"okta_password","enroll":{"self":"REQUIRED"}},{"key":"webauthn","enroll":{"self":"OPTIONAL"}},{"key":"security_question","enroll":{"self":"NOT_ALLOWED"}}],"isUserAgreementContent":false}}' \ --compressed terraform apply --auto-approve \ -var OKTA_ORG_NAME=$OKTA_ORG_NAME \ -var OKTA_BASE_URL=$OKTA_BASE_URL \ -var OKTA_API_TOKEN=$OKTA_API_TOKEN > debug_3.txt echo "tf state is in unrecoverable state" echo "running terraform apply will now never succeed" echo "can be fixed by running - \"terraform state rm\" then \"terraform state import\"" ```
duytiennguyen-okta commented 1 year ago

This look like a really big bug. Thanks for the detail walkthrough. cc @jefftaylor-okta how should we prioritize this?

duytiennguyen-okta commented 1 year ago

OKTA internal reference https://oktainc.atlassian.net/browse/OKTA-626962