okta / terraform-provider-okta

A Terraform provider to manage Okta resources, enabling infrastructure-as-code provisioning and management of users, groups, applications, and other Okta objects.
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Issue in importing the resource "okta_policy_rule_signon" plugin crashed! #2119

Open vkanupur opened 1 month ago

vkanupur commented 1 month ago

Hi Team,

Thank you for solving previous reported bugs. I am using Terraform v1.4.5, Okta Provider version : 4.11.0 Not sure if anyone else reported this issue. Other resources configuration and importing are working fine. when importing, resource "okta_policy_rule_signon" I am coming across error :

terraform import okta_policy_rule_signon.example rstbisadadadasdadad/ruld7sadadaasfasfsfa

Stack trace from the terraform-provider-okta_v4.11.0 plugin: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x280ba89]

Error: The terraform-provider-okta_v4.11.0 plugin crashed!

This is always indicative of a bug within the plugin. It would be immensely helpful if you could report the crash with the plugin's maintainers so that it can be fixed. The output above should help diagnose the issue.

Please take a look at this bug or provide some troubleshooting steps.

Thank you, Venkata

duytiennguyen-okta commented 3 weeks ago

OKTA internal reference https://oktainc.atlassian.net/browse/OKTA-826989