🔗 Upload or paste a link to the CSL file(s) that you want me to add.
⚠️ I need you to provide the files, as I do not make them myself. I will only add files that are repaints of models that are already in the package.
🛑 You grant me a license to redistribute the files, and you affirm that you have the legal right to grant that license under copyright law.
✈️ Write here the corresponding aircraft and airline ICAO codes.
The CL60 package uses some textures shared with permission from the XCSL team. I could recreate these if you think there's any issue. Since the Mooney Ovation/Acclaim are practically identical, I wrote up the xsb_aircraft file to link both the M20P and M20T so it works with both versions. Thanks for your support!
The CL60 package uses some textures shared with permission from the XCSL team. I could recreate these if you think there's any issue. Since the Mooney Ovation/Acclaim are practically identical, I wrote up the xsb_aircraft file to link both the M20P and M20T so it works with both versions. Thanks for your support!
M20P.zip B350.zip CL60.zip