oktokat / STAT545-hw-harper-kaitlyn

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hw04 ready for grading #3

Open oktokat opened 6 years ago

oktokat commented 6 years ago

Hi hi hi! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving holiday! 🦃

Here's the link to the hw04 md and here's a link to my main repo README.

Here's my latest commit, in case you're curious: e8abaac6ec67f0f5caecbdeee6a6fce1b4ce5340

Have a good day! :octocat:

auduman commented 6 years ago

Hi @oktokat,

This was an awesome hw04! Basically I think you covered more than what was expected, and I especially liked your interesting (and funny) commentary throughout :)

I literally have no suggestions, I think you did an awesome job with everything. This homework was fun to read (never thought I'd say that), your code was always organized and easy to follow, your explanations were great, and I learned a lot and will hopefully be able to use that in hw05. Good job!!


cheungamanda commented 6 years ago

Hi Kaitlyn, Great work! Here's my review for homework 04:

Coding style: + Clear and organized, easy to read, code is very well commented, you've gone beyond what was required! I like that you explain all the functions you use and the different variables involved.

Coding strategy: + Simple and efficient, very consistent coding style throughout the assignment, logical flow of code, complex code is broken down (with comments for each step)

Presentation - graphs: + Appropriate graph chosen to represent data, incorporated various ggplot features. I liked that you added labels to the facetted graphs for male and female - I'm going to try incorporating this in future plots!

Presentation - tables: + Tables are well made! Nice job using gather() and spread() in your cheatsheet to illustrate the power of those functions. You've elegantly showed how to tidy up messy data.

Achievement, mastery, cleverness, creativity: + Gone beyond what was expected and required, great job incorporating using tools and techniques taught outside of the course (such as reading files and new functions), creative approaches to the different tasks. You made this homework an enjoyable read!

Ease of access for instructor, compliance with course conventions for submitted work: + Easy access, code runs, and I liked the links at the top of your file for easy navigation

Thanks, Amanda

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @oktokat, here are some comments about your hw04:

Your grade will be emailed to you at a later date.