oktokat / STAT545-hw-harper-kaitlyn

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hw05 ready for grading #4

Open oktokat opened 6 years ago

oktokat commented 6 years ago

GREETINGS! Happy last assignment of 545!

Here is the link to my md file and here is the link to my main README (this contains all links to all hw assignments)

Here's the SHA if you're curious: 911f20a93b9bc91c01f3186cc8b87fccc84f7303

Have a great day! :octocat:

edit: I realized my files weren't embedded and had to switch a couple things around, so there are a few more commits after that^ SHA!

Mathnstein commented 6 years ago

Hi @oktokat!

You have put a ton of effort into your last homework where the rest of us may have gotten a little burnt out! 😃 It definitely shows that you tried something outside of the norm!

Very cool analysis of the zvitambo dataset! I believe you managed to show your understanding of factors and their involvement in ordering elements within a plot. Particularly cool was the discussion you had with the reader throughout the analysis. It consistently reminded me what your goals were and what you were doing to achieve them.

You had done quite a bit in this assignment and I see that you learned as you were going and pulling the pdf off of cran is definitely the best resort you have for understanding what everything does, as long as you have the patience for this!

Overall, this was fantastic and you have a great project management and style of writing code and tendency for self discovery!

Cheers, Cody

vanflad commented 6 years ago


I agree with Mathnstein above, where I could also tell how much work you put into this homework assignment and into going above and beyond to learn new skills by challenging yourself with a dataset other than Gapminder or Singer. I found it especially ambitious that you looked slightly into the future of STAT 547 to learn how to write your own function to turn multiple columns into factor variables. Your graphs were terrific in terms of how they looked visually, even when you were using facet_wrap for 16 different individuals, the choice of purple and green are really distinct. I also really appreciated the titles on the graphs being there instead of just a plain graph that's explained in words below it, which I'll admit, I've done in my homework, so maybe I'll follow your lead and treat each graph as an opportunity to enhance for clarity. Speaking of clarity, you were incredibly descriptive in describing your process at each and every step and through the use of more informal language as well as the creative addition of emojis throughout, it made for a much more interesting read than most of the homework we've reviewed! One suggestion I do have is to use {r, echo=FALSE} in your code chunk when you're loading packages to avoid those additional printed out messages that don't have much relevance. One last thing I thought was great that I'll have to start incorporating in my work is the links to the different headers and the "back to top" at each section, I found it was helpful for knowing exactly when a section ended.



derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @oktokat, here are some comments about your hw05:

Your grade will be emailed to you at a later date.