okviz / free-visuals

Power BI free custom visuals
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Visual Name - Issue description #248

Closed allendoyle3Flow closed 1 year ago

allendoyle3Flow commented 3 years ago

Describe the issue Can't learn Synoptic Designer I’m trying to learn Synoptic Design/Panel to use with mapping in Power BI, and I’m giving up for a while because I can’t get over the learning and download hump to have a good test experience. After spending about 2-3 hours of “I don’t get it”, I have to return to other priorities. I’ve watched a few videos, and down loaded desktop and on-line versions, and still don’t understand the sequence of image creating. I am not a developer, so my expertise is moderate, not advanced. I’m a consultant on energy efficiency, and looking for a user-friendly platform. Basically, what I want to do is color code many floor plans such as below, based on a single attribute in a spreadsheet. Adding other attributes would be a bonus. It looks like Power BI and Synoptic Designs can do this, but my thick skull couldn’t grasp how to set this up, and then share it, or down load it. I was able to upload the blank image below, but I couldn’t shrink or manipulate it so I could see it in the screen, for example, and that was very frustrating If you have recommendations on good introductory videos and a simple outline of the file creation process, please let me know. I also would like to know how we would share “live” files with our clients so they could update them in years to come, as the attribute changes. A key feature of the platform we search for is the ability to hand off images and the attribute spreadsheets so they can update them. I need to understand this capacity as well.

To reproduce Uploaded a PNG file to Synoptic Planner and could not see it or manipulate it in the window.

Affected environment

REQUIRED: Repro file I sent an image file of what I'm trying to manipulate to support@okviz today, and claire sent me to GitHub. That email included example images of what I'm trying to accomplish. I hope this is adequate, and I don't want to be sent round and round in circles. Include a sample report (.PBIX zipped as .ZIP file) that reproduces the issue. If you can't publicly share it, send it to support@okviz.com, including a reference to this issue. If the report contains private data, please recreate the issue in a sample report with dummy data. IMPORTANT: We don't consider issues without a sample report!

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots or screencast to help explain your problem. THIS PLATFORM IS NOT ALLOWING ME TO PASTE THE SIMPLE IMAGES THAT I WANT TO UPDATE. Maybe the link below will show two floorplans. image

This is frustrating for a low level, new user. Arrrrrggghh We want to share "smart" Power BI figures with our clients. This experience is not encouraging

riccard0russ0 commented 1 year ago

We would like to clarify that the current version of the Synoptic Designer is mainly a proof of concept, and it might not encompass all the functionalities needed, especially for complex tasks. SVG file editing is quite limited at the moment and you should use a grapich designer such as Inkscape (free) or Illustator to modify it.

In addition, we wanted to let you know that we are actively working on a New Premium Version of Synoptic Panel, slated for release in the coming months. This new version aims to address various bugs and integrate new functionalities that would enhance the user experience significantly.

In our roadmap we also have the implementation of a new advanced editor that will facilitate creation, editing and data-binding for SVG maps. To streamline the process of reporting bugs or suggesting new features, we have established a dedicated repository. We encourage you to visit and contribute to this repository, as it will serve as a centralized platform where we will be actively monitoring and considering all suggestions and report for the new Synoptic Panel.

New repository: synoptic-panel-issues