olacabs / jackhammer

Jackhammer - One Security vulnerability assessment/management tool to solve all the security team problems.
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Uploaded APK files persist after scan #29

Open sidheshenator opened 7 years ago

sidheshenator commented 7 years ago

The APK files which are uploaded as part of the mobile scan into the tmp directory persist after the scan is completed in /tmp directory in the container.

root@jackhammer-nginx:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                      NAMES
74a1f4a66259        jackhammer_web      "bash -c 'mkdir -p..."   35 hours ago        Up 35 hours>3000/tcp   jackhammer_web_1
85ca4738eb8f        redis               "docker-entrypoint..."   35 hours ago        Up 35 hours>6379/tcp    jackhammer_redis_1
6a38e6db51cc        mysql               "docker-entrypoint..."   35 hours ago        Up 35 hours>3306/tcp   jackhmmaer-db
root@jackhammer-nginx:~# docker exec -it 74a1f4a66259 /bin/bash
root@74a1f4a66259:/home/app# tree /tmp/
|-- Gemfile
|-- Gemfile.lock
|-- RackMultipart20170518-37-rmb4dq.apk
|-- bundle.sh
|-- d20170518-40-1n8ttqn
|   `-- NAME-OF-APK-debug.apk
|-- d20170518-40-1y29459
|   `-- NAME-OF-APK-debug.apk
|-- d20170518-40-pf88sh
|   `-- NAME-OF-APKdebug.apk
|-- log
|   `-- scans
|-- ruby-build.20170516232007.23.log
`-- tmp
    `-- pids

7 directories, 8 files
shadsidd commented 7 years ago

Fixed in latest commit, please check.

sidheshenator commented 7 years ago

Is there any upgradation process? Or we gotta clean reinstall?