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Information on the databases CORE, AIDA, Openalex #18

Open christophe1998 opened 9 months ago

christophe1998 commented 9 months ago

Here are the results of a preliminary research (or extensive with CORE):

The CORE API is easy to use, but:

No information about the conferences, only journals (see issue 7) Information can be missing for many instances (same example as in issue 7) *No entry for the conferences (unlike AIDA)

ACADEMIA INDUSTRY DYNAMICS (AIDA) has a Sparql-based API. However, conferences are saved by using the Microsoft academic graph database (mag), which has stopped service in 2021. The following query:

PREFIX aida:http://aida.kmi.open.ac.uk/ontology# PREFIX mag:<https:makg.org/entity> SELECT * FROM http://aida.kmi.open.ac.uk/resource WHERE { ?sub mag:appearsInConferenceInstance ?var. } LIMIT 100

did not result in any results. Neither did the queries with "AppearsInJournal". Therefore, SPARQL cannot be used to access conferences: *https://aida.kmi.open.ac.uk/img/AIDA-Schema.png

DO NOTE THE FOLLOWING: AIDA offers a dataset of all conferences that can be downloaded manually: https://aida.kmi.open.ac.uk/downloads.php#datasets

We could use this instead, but it is just a ZIP Archive, no API.

OpenAlex offers data through html requests. It does not include conference information. Here is an example of a resulting object: https://[api.openalex.org/works/W3184586079](https://api.openalex.org/works/W3184586079).

The type attribute was never equal to conference or journal during the search. Thus, it is likely impossible to obtain a list of conferences from this database.