Hi Olaf! Thank you for you work developing this package.
I encouneterd an issue when implementing package for sending reports.
I wrote a piece of code that worked perfectly well at 11:00
The same piece of code end stopped working with the following error today at 13:00:
Error in curl_fetch_memory(smtp_server, handle = h) :
schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_CERT_EXPIRED (0x80090328)
Hi Olaf! Thank you for you work developing this package. I encouneterd an issue when implementing package for sending reports. I wrote a piece of code that worked perfectly well at 11:00
The same piece of code end stopped working with the following error today at 13:00:
Error in curl_fetch_memory(smtp_server, handle = h) : schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_CERT_EXPIRED (0x80090328)
Could you please help with this.