I have been using your solution to take SQL Server database backup to Azure containers.
But for the deletion of the old backup files is done through Powershell, this created a headache sometimes as the password/credentials to Azure portal can change and then the script doesn’t work.
I have been using your solution to take SQL Server database backup to Azure containers. But for the deletion of the old backup files is done through Powershell, this created a headache sometimes as the password/credentials to Azure portal can change and then the script doesn’t work.
I came across this article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/enable-sql-server-managed-backup-to-microsoft-azure?source=recommendations&view=sql-server-ver16&tabs=azure-cli
Here you can specify retention period for the container. Is this something that can be incorporated in the Maintenance Solution?
Thank you for you great work 😊
With regards