olalonde / handlebars-paginate

Pagination helper for Handlebars.
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First / Last to only appear when actually needed #29

Closed mbelic closed 2 years ago

mbelic commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have included extension in my project and got it working. I have limited my 11 page layout to 5 and included previous and next as outermost links. Also I have included first and last as [ ... ] links that appear notifying the user that there are more pages available in that direction.

Initial layout looks like this: image

This works fine. However once I leave page nr.1 and go to nr.2 - first link activates and essentially I have double link to first page: image

Once nr.4 is reached this again is valid because page nr.1 disappears from view: image

As we are getting to the end - and last 4 pages are active similar issue appears on the right side - with nr.11 and last [...] page: image

So my question is regarding this issue - is it possible to disable first and last links until they are really needed and first and last are actually out of the view? I have tried accessing (current)page in attempt to check if offset is reached, however page variable is not available to first and last - inside the pagination object.

Any solution for this? Thank you.

jimf commented 2 years ago

This should be doable. Assuming you are using the same pagination object mentioned in the README, you can add some additional metadata to your render context to cover the logic:

    pagination: {
        page: currentPage,
        pageCount: totalPages,

    // Only show First/Last when the corresponding page numbers are
    // out of the layout window. Assumes a layout of 5.
    showFirst: currentPage > 3,
    showLast: currentPage <= totalPages - 3,

Then inside your template you can use a standard handlebars if to render conditionally:

{{#if showFirst}}
    {{#paginate pagination type="first"}}
        <li {{#if disabled}}class="disabled"{{/if}}><a href="?p={{n}}">First</a></li>
mbelic commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the tip. Works great!