oldergod / android-architecture

MVI architecture Implementation of the ToDo app.
Apache License 2.0
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[q] Extension instead of ObservableTransformer? #54

Closed roosale closed 5 years ago

roosale commented 5 years ago

Forgive me, I'm a bit of a Kotlin & Rx noob. Is there any problem with using Kotlin extension methods instead of ObservableTransformers for the 'ActionProcessorHolder' classes? The processors become a bit more concise, and from what I've read ObservableTransformers exist to make up for the lack of extensions in Java.

private val updateTaskProcessor =
            ObservableTransformer<UpdateTaskAction, UpdateTaskResult> { actions ->
                actions.flatMap { action ->
                            Task(title = action.title, description = action.description, id = action.taskId)


private fun Observable<UpdateTaskAction>.updateTaskProcessor() = flatMap { action ->
                Task(title = action.title, description = action.description, id = action.taskId))

Thanks for the project, I've found it extremely helpful.

oldergod commented 5 years ago

To be honest I've never thought about this, that's a great idea. I don't see any drawback for now, it's worth giving it a try!

roosale commented 5 years ago

Gets a bit harder to follow calling the root processor from the view model because the holder class is stateful, ends up as

// processor holder

fun Observable<TasksAction>.actionProcessor() = publish {  

// view model

fun compose(): Observable<TaskDetailViewState> = with(actionProcessorHolder) {


// processor holder

fun actionProcessor(observable: Observable<TasksAction>) = observable.publish {

// view model 

fun Observable<TasksAction>.actionProcessor() = actionProcessorHolder.actionProcessor(this)

fun compose(): Observable<TasksViewState> = intentsSubject

Appears to work the same, but not sure if I'm a fan. Anyway, thanks again!