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Marginal Proportions #411

Open oldoc63 opened 2 years ago

oldoc63 commented 2 years ago

In the previous exercises, we looked at an association between the influence and leader questions using a contingency table. We saw some evidence of an association between those questions.

Now, let's take a moment to think about what the tables would look like if there were no association between the variables. Our first instinct may be that there would be .25 (25%) of the data in each of the four cells of the table, but that is not the case.

leader no yes influence
no 0.271695 0.116518 yes 0.212670 0.399117

We might notice that the bottom row, which correspond to people who think they have a talent for influencing people, accounts for 0.213 + 0.399 = 0.612 (or 61,2%) of surveyed people - more than half! This means that we can expect higher proportions in the bottom row, regardless of whether the questions are associated.

The proportion of respondents in each category of a single question is called a marginal proportion. For example, the marginal proportion of the population that has a talent for influencing people is 0.612. We can calculate all the marginal proportions from the contingency table of proportions (saved as influence_leader_prop) using row and column sums as follows:

oldoc63 commented 2 years ago

While respondents are approximately split on whether they see themselves as a leader, more people think they have a talent for influencing people than not.

oldoc63 commented 2 years ago

Use the table of proportions saved as special_authority_prop to calculate the marginal proportions for the authority variable and save the results as authority_marginals. Print out authority_marginals. Repeat for special_marginals.