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Simulating a Binomial Test #457

Open oldoc63 opened 1 year ago

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago


We will walk through a simulation of a binomial hypothesis test in Python. Binomial tests are useful for comparing the frequency of some outcome in a sample to the expected probability of that outcome. For example, if we expect 90% of ticketed passengers to show up for their flight but only 80 of 100 ticketed passengers actually show up, we could use a binomial test to understand whether 80 is significantly different from 90.

Binomial test are similar to one-sample t-test in that they test a sample statistic against some population-level expectation. The difference is that:

In Python, as in many other programming languages used for statistical computing, there are a number of libraries and functions that allow a data scientist to run a hypothesis test in a single of code. However, a data scientist will be much more likely to spot and fix potential errors and interpret results correctly if the have a conceptual understanding of how these functions work.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. The next few exercises will walk through the process of using a binomial test to analyze data from a hypothetical online company, Live-it-LIVE.com — a website that sells all the necessary props and costumes to recreate iconic movie scenes at home! The data we'll be working with it's been loaded as an object named monthly_report. Print monthly report so that you can inspect it in the web browser.
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Summarizing the sample

The marketing department at Live-it-LIVE reports that, during this time of year, about 10% of visitors to Live-it-LIVE.com make a purchase. The monthly report shows every visitor to the site and whether or not they made a purchase. The checkout page had a small bug this month, so the business department wants to know whether the purchase rate dipped below expectation. They've asked us to investigate this question.

In order to run a hypothesis test to address this, we'll first need to know two things from the data:

Assuming each row of our dataset represents a unique site visitor, we can calculate the number of people who visited the website by finding the number of rows in the data frame. We can then find the number who made a purchase by using a conditional statement to add up the total number of rows where a purchase was made.

For example, suppose that the dataset candy contains a column named chocolate with yes recorded for every candy that has chocolate in it and no otherwise. The following code calculates the sample size (the number of candies) and the number of those candies that contain chocolate:

## sample_size (number of rows):
samp_size = len(candy)

## number with chocolate:
total_with_chocolate = np.sum(candy.chocolate == 'yes')
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Each row of the dataset monthly_report represents a single visitor to Live-it-LIVE.com during the week in question. Use .head() to print the first five rows of the data once again and inspect the 'purchase' column.
  2. Calculate the sample size and assign it to a variable named sample_size and print it.
  3. Calculate the number of visitors who made a purchase this week and save it to a variable named num_purchase. Print num_purchased.

    The purchase column of monthly_report indicates whether or not a visitor made a purchase: a value of 'y' means they made a purchase; 'n' means they did not.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Simulating Randomness

In the last exercise, we calculated that there were 500 site visitors to live-it-LIVE.com this month and 41 of them made a purchase. In comparison, if each of the 500 visitors had a 10% chance of making a purchase, we would expect around 50 of those visitors to buy something. If 41 different enough from 50 that we should question whether this month's site visitors really had a 10& chance of making a purchase?

To conceptualize why our expectation (50) and observation (41) might not be equal -even if was no dip in the purchase probability- let's turn to a common probability example: flipping a fair coin. We can simulate a coin flip in Python using the numpy.random.choice() function:

flip = np.random.choice(['heads', 'tails'], size=1, p=[0.5,0.5])

## output is either ['heads'] or ['tails']

If we run this code (or flip a real coin) a few times, we'll find that -just like we can't know ahead of time whether any single visitor to Live-it-LIVE.com will make a purchase- we can't predict the outcome of any individual coin flip.

I we flip a fair coin 10 times in a row, we expect about 5 of those coins to come up heads (50%). We can simulate this in Python by changing the size parameter of numpy.random.choice():

flip = np.random.choice(['heads', 'tails'], size=10, p=[0.5, 0.5])
## output is something like: ['heads' 'heads' 'heads' 'tails' 'tails' 'heads' 'heads' 'tails' 'heads' 'heads']

If you try this yourself, it's perfectly reasonable that you'll get only four heads, or may be six or seven. Because this is a random process, we can't guarantee that exactly halt of our coin flips will come up heads. Similarly, even if each Live-it-LIVE visitor has a 10% chance of making a purchase, that doesn't mean we expect exactly 10% to do so in any given sample.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. In script.py, use the random.choice() function from NumPy to simulate a single visitor to Live-it-LIVE.com, who has a 10% chance of making a purchase (p=0.1). Save the outcome as a variable named one_visitor and print it. If the visitor made a purchase, the value of one_visitor should be ['y']; if they did not make a purchase, it should be ['n'].
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Now create a new list named simulated_monthly_visitors, which contains the randomly-generated outcomes for 500 visitors to Live-it-LIVE.com (still with a 10% chance of a purchase). Print simulated_monthly_visitors out. Do you see any visitors in this list who made a purchase?
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Simulating the Null Distribution

The first step in running a hypothesis test is to form a null hypothesis. For the question of whether the purchase rate al Live-it-LIVE.com was different from 10% this month, the null hypothesis describes a world in which the true probability of a visitor making a purchase was exactly 10%, but by random chance, we observed that only 41 visitors (8.2%) made a purchase.

Let's return to the coin flip example from the previous exercise. We can simulate 10 coin flips and print out the number of those flips that came up heads using the following code:

flips = np.random.choice(['heads', 'tails'], size=10, p=[0.5, 0.5])
num_heads = np.sum(flips == 'heads')
## output: 4

If we run this code a few times, we'll likely see different results each time. This will give us a sense for the range in the number of heads that could occur by random chance, even if the coin is fair. We're more likely to see numbers like four, five, or six, but maybe we'll see something more extreme every once in a while- ten heads in a row, or even zero.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. In script.py, you'll see the code we used in the previous exercise to generate simulated_monthly_visitors, a list of 500 simulated outcomes, 'y' (with probability 0.1) or 'n', indicating whether each imaginary site visitor made a purchase.
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Inspect the value of num_purchased form the previous instruction. Is it close to 50 (which is what we would expect for a purchase probability of 10%)? Less than? Greater than? Now try pressing "Run" a few more times and see what other values of num_purchased you observe.
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

We simulated a random sample of 500 visitors, where each visitor had a 10% chance of making a purchase. When we pressed 'Run' a few times, we saw that the number of purchases varied from sample to sample, but was around 50.

Similarly, we simulated a single random sample of 10 coin flips, where each flip had a 50% chance of coming up heads. We saw that the number of simulated heads was not necessarily 5, but somewhere around 5.

By running the same simulated experiment many times, we can get a sense for how much a particular outcome (like the number of purchases, or heads) varies by random chance. Consider the following code:

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Note that 10000 is an arbitrarily chosen large number -it's big enough that it will yield almost all possible outcomes of our experiment, and small enough that the simulation still runs quickly. From inspecting the output, we can see that the number of 'heads' varied between 0 and 10:

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Thus, if we flip a fair coin 10 times, we could observe anywhere between 0 and 10 heads by random chance.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Now let's ask the same question with regards to purchases: if we run an experiment where we simulate a sample of 500 visitors, each with a 10% chance of making a purchase, and record the number of purchases for that imaginary sample -then repeat that experiment a bunch of times- what are the minimum and maximum number of purchases that we'll observe by random chance?
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Inspecting the Null Distribution

In the previous exercise, we simulated 10000 different samples of 500 visitors, where each visitor had a 10% chance of making a purchase, and calculated the number of purchases per sample. Upon further inspection, we saw that those numbers ranged from around 25 to 75. This is useful information, but we can learn even more by inspecting the full distribution.

For example, recall our 10000 coin flip experiments: for each experiment, we flipped a fair coin 10 times and recorded the number of heads in a list named outcomes. We can plot a histogram of outcomes using matplotlib.pyplot.hist(). We can also add a vertical line at any x-value using matplotlib.pyplot.axvline:

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

This histogram shows us that, over 10000 experiments, we observed as few as 0 and as many as 10 heads out of ten flips. However, we were most likely to observe around 4-6 heads. It would be unlikely to observe only 2 heads (where the vertical red line is).

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. The list null_outcomes contains numbers of purchases simulated under the null hypothesis. Add code to plot a histogram of null_outcomes and inspect the plot. What range of values occurs most frequently?
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. In the month we are investigating, we calculated that there were 41 purchases. Add a vertical line to your histogram at 41. Make this line red using color='r' so you can see it. Where does 41 fall in this distribution? Is it relatively likely or unlikely?
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

41 purchases is somewhat likely to occur based on this null distribution. It's not in the middle of the distribution, where there's the most density, but it's also not way out in the tails (which would mean it is very unlikely).

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Confidence Intervals

So far, we've inspected the null distribution and calculated the minimum and maximum values. While the number of purchases in each simulated sample ranged roughly from 25 to 75 by random chance, upon further inspection of the distribution, we saw that those extreme values happened very rarely.

By reporting an interval covering 95% of the values instead of the full range, we can say something like:

We are 95% confident that, if each visitor has a 10% chance of making a purchase, a random sample of 500 visitors will make between 37 and 63 purchases.

We can use the np.percentile() function to calculate this 95% interval as follows:

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

We calculated the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles so that exactly 5% of the data falls outside those percentiles (2.5% above the 97.5th percentile, and 2.5% below the 2.5th percentile). This leaves us with a range covering 95% of the data.

If our observed statistic falls outside this interval, then we can conclude it is unlikely that the null hypothesis is true. In this example, because 41 falls within the 95% interval (37-64), it is still reasonable likely that we observed a lower purchase rate by random chance, even though the null hypothesis was true.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Calculate an interval covering the middle 90% of the values in null outcomes. Save the output in a variable named null_90CI and print it out. Is the observed value of 41 purchases inside or outside this interval?
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Calculating a One-Sided P-Value

P-value calculations and interpretations depend on the alternative hypothesis of a test, a description of the difference from expectation that we are interested in.

For example, let's return to the 10-coin-flip example. Suppose that we flipped a coin 10 times an observe only two heads. We might run a hypothesis test with the following null and alternative hypothesis:

This hypothesis test asks the question: if the probability of heads is 0.5, what's the probability of observing 2 or fewer heads among a single sample of 10 coin flips?

Earlier, we used a for-loop to repeatedly (10000 times) flip a fair coin 10 times, and store the number of heads (for each set of 10 flips) in a list named outcomes. The probability of observing 2 or fewer heads among 10 coin flips is approximately equal to the proportion of those 10000 experiments where we observed 0, 1, or 2 heads:

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

This calculation is equivalent to calculating the proportion of this histogram that is colored in red:


oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

We estimated that the probability of observing 2 or fewer heads is about 0.059 (5.9%). This probability (0.059) is referred to as one-sided p-value.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Use null_outcomes to estimate the p-value for a binomial hypothesis test with the following null and alternative hypotheses:
    • Null: the probability of a purchase was 10%
    • Alternative: the probability of a purchase rate was less than 10%

In other words, calculate the proportion of values in null_outcomes that are less than or equal to 41(the observed number of purchases that we calculated earlier). Save this number as a variable named p_value and print it out.

Try pressing 'Run' a few times; you should see slightly different values of p_value each time.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Calculating a Two-Sided P-Value

In the previous exercise, we calculated a one-sided p-value. In this exercise, we’ll estimate a p-value for a 2-sided test, which is the default setting for many functions in Python (and other languages, like R!).

In our 10-coin-flip experiment, remember that we observed 2 heads, which is less than the expected value of 5(50% of 10) if the null hypothesis is true. The two sided test focuses on the number of heads being three different from expectation, rather than just less than. The hypothesis test now ask the following question:

Suppose that the true probability of heads is 50%. What is the probability of observing either two or fewer heads or eight or more heads? (Note that two and eight are both three away from five). The calculation now estimates the proportion of the null histogram that is colored in red:


This proportion can be calculated in Python as follows. Note that the | symbol is similar to 'or', but works for comparing multiple values at once.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

We end up with a p-value that is twice as large as the one-sided p-value.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Use null_outcomes to calculate the p-value for a two-sided test (alternative hypothesis is that the purchase probability was different from 10% , we expect 50 of the 500 visitors to make a purchase. In other words, calculate the proportion of values in null_outcomes that are less than or equal to 41(the number of purchases we observed in our sample, which is 9 fewer than 50) or greater than or equal to 59 (which is 9 purchases more than 50. Save this number as a variable named p_value and print it out. Again, try pressing run a few times to observe a few different estimates of p_value.
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Writing a Binomial Test Function

So far, we've conducted a simulated binomial hypothesis test for Live-it-LIVE.com. In this exercise, we'll use our code from the previous exercises to write our own binomial test function. Our function will use simulation, so it will estimate (albeit fairly accurately) the same p-values we would get using much more complex mathematical equations.

A function has been outlined for you in script.py which contains the code that we used for Live_it_Live inside a function named simulation_binomial_test(). Your goal in the next few exercises will be to edit this function so that it takes in any values for the following:

The function should return a p-value for a one-sided test where the alternative hypothesis is that the true probability of success is less than the null.

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. The simulation_binomial_test() function has been outlined for you in script.py. Add the following parameters to the function (in this order):
    • observed_successes (the observed sample statistic, eg., 41 purchases)
    • n (the sample size, eg., 500 visitors)
    • p (the null probability of success, eg., 0.10)
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Next, edit the simulation_binomial_test() function to remove all of the hard-coded values (eg., 500, 0.1, 0.9, and 41) so that the proper parameters are used in each calculation.
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Test out your function and compare the results to the SciPy binom_test() function. Do you get similar answers?
oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

Binomial Testing with SciPy

You've written your own function to simulate a binomial test.

More formally, the binomial distribution describes the number of expected "successes" in an experiment with some number of "trials". In the example you just walked through, the experiment consisted of 500 people visiting Live-it-LIVE.com. For each of those trials (visitors), we expected a 10% chance of a purchase (success), but observed only 41 successes (less than 10%).

SciPy has a function called binom_test(), which performs a binomial test for you. The default alternative hypothesis for the binom_test() function is two-sided, but this can be changed using the alternative parameter (eg., alternative = 'less' will run a one-sided lower tail test).

binom_test() requires three inputs, the number of observed successes, the number of total trials, and the expected probability of success. For example, with 10 flips of a fair coin (trials), the expected probability of heads is 0.5. Let's imagine we get two heads (observed successes) in 10 flips. Is the coin weighted? The function call for this binomial test would look like:

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago

This tell us that if the true probability of heads is 0.5, the probability of observing 2 or fewer heads or 8 or more heads is 0.109 (10.9%).

oldoc63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Use the binom_test function to run the same binomial test that you just simulated: A two-sided test for whether the observed 41 purchases among 500 visitors to Live-it-LIVE.com is far enough from the expected 10% purchase rate to convince you that the purchase rate was different from expectation this week.

Save the p-value as p_value_2sided and print it out. Is this p-value similar to what you calculated via simulation (approximately 0.2)?

  1. Run the same hypothesis test as in step 1, but now as a one-sided test where the alternative hypothesis is that the probability of a visitor making a purchase was less than 10% (0.1).

Save the p-value as p_value_1sided and print it out. Is this p-value similar to what you calculated via simulation (approximately 0.1)?