oldrev / Sandwych.QuickGraph

Sandwych.QuickGraph is a port of the awesome QuickGraph to .NET Standard, it provides generic directed/undirected graph datastructures and algorithms for .NET.
Microsoft Public License
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NuGet Sandwych.QuickGraph.Graphviz #2

Open mikhail-khalizev opened 6 years ago

mikhail-khalizev commented 6 years ago

There is only Sandwych.QuickGraph.Core available in NuGet. Can you add Sandwych.QuickGraph.Graphviz to NuGet also?

oldrev commented 6 years ago

Sorry for my late response.

The Graphviz part seems not good enough for production release. Maybe this weekend I will found some free times to make it happen.

jongleur1983 commented 6 years ago

would be great to see that. Just drop me a note when you need help @micky53

jongleur1983 commented 6 years ago

for now I implemented a subset of the export in our own code, but looking deeper into the original implementation I know what you're talking about @oldrev . Nevertheless I'm happy to contribute, if help is appreciated. Not needed for me any more, and not worth it if it's not used by others / included in the packages later.

KeRNeLith commented 3 years ago

I forked YC.QuickGraph to make QuikGraph and I made a separate package for Graphviz features. Here is a link to the nuget. The most important one is the first package (2.1.0) which fixes number of strange/not working stuff and add a big set of unit tests.

Hope it will help someone.

oldrev commented 3 years ago

@KeRNeLith Great job. Must be useful.