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Show all boosts for raids in OSB #3389

Open Zerravack opened 2 years ago

Zerravack commented 2 years ago

šŸš€ Raids boosts for OSB

As it currently stands, each time you enter a raid whether it is cox/tob/(phosani nightmare should be included) you receive a gear score 0-100% and you receive a survival score. As it stands right now you can have weird gear that gets you your ā€œ100%ā€ score. This is fine but what many people donā€™t understand or realize is that even if you have this ā€œ100% scoreā€ you can actually surpass it whether it be using dragon darts instead of rune, having claws in your bank for tob, used to be having a tbow in your bank for cox etc. My suggestion is that although there should be this 100% gear score, I think that there should be some sort of time ā€œboostā€ as that is what these items do. They essentially help you die less, use less food, or save time. To incorporate this you could have a ā€œMVPā€ boost for tob, these extra things like claws/chally/d darts/d arrows can all work towards this. For cox it could be a ā€œpointā€ boost, and for nightmare it could be just time. Each of these donā€™t have to be set % but rather a range. This range will allow for parties to still have some sort of random effect if everyone is geared the same to who will get MVP or the most points etc. I hope this all makes sense and if you have further questions about what items could be used for these added boosts let me know and Iā€™d be happy to help :) FiFi

LuxrayElite commented 2 years ago

Raids currently show you your boost however I don't think this icon has ever been explained well


This image shows: The User, The Gear score, User Boost

That would be a users individual boost % (which can surpass 100%) due to it being a combination of item boost + KC,

In a mass/raid these all get divided by the size of the team

Duration is then reduced by the group percent to a set limit, shortest tob can be 20 minutes for example.

The issue I think could happen with MVP/points boost being attached would be your inflating one person's chance to get a unique which is exploitable, pair with people who have worst boost and increase chances of purples? or fast raids with friends and equal chance?

LuxrayElite commented 2 years ago

Had a relook over this with seeing your discussion in the testing with cyr

Are you proposing like a boosts line similar or something more to the effect of +monster but for tob?

+Monster has just been reworked and found a suggestion for +info which would split into monster, minigames etc and generally make more info available.

Zerravack commented 2 years ago

No worries @LuxrayElite, what I am suggesting is not something extra but rather something that is already there to become visible. As of right now there is 2 people who can have 100% gear 100% survival rate for example, and 1 of them has a scythe the other has a whip and defender, now the person with the scythe will complete the raid faster, but it is not shown because they have both got 100% gear score. Does this make sense? I guess I am just trying to get something added that represents the % above 100, or the to represent the items that get you closer to that fastest time possible for having the best gear possible. You could call it something like a max efficiency score, or, sweaty gamer score šŸ˜‚ Really you could call it anything but I hope this breaks it down further what Iā€™m Asking and if it doesnā€™t no worries let me know. finally, you said the final icon is user boost, however I donā€™t believe this is right is it? These scores are only increasing via attempts in tob right now and as the chance of death decreases. It is almost an average survival rate rather than a user boost like youā€™re suggesting it is?

Zerravack commented 2 years ago

If that second icon was a user boost it actually would be rather static or at least have a base % of all the extra items that boost you past 100% gear. And if this is the case and it is a ā€œuser boostā€ that already has a base, perhaps you can separate the base ā€œuser boostā€ or the static user boost and add this to a third icon (max efficiency) as suggested.