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Turael Slayer task length #5465

Open Lewis7777 opened 10 months ago

Lewis7777 commented 10 months ago

Not sure how many people do Turael skipping but I noticed some of the task lengths are incredibly long or killing the wrong type of monster, just hoping these could maybe be shortened/ammended.

Also maybe provide a boost for using expeditous bracelets. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Expeditious_bracelet

Cave crawler: Lwy is now killing 47x Cave Crawler, it'll take around 12 minutes, 40 seconds to finish Cave crawlers have 22hp and are almost always one shot kills with blowpipe + rigour this task should be a lot shorter, 1:30 - 3 minutes.

Lizard task: Turael has assigned you to kill 38x Lizards (Alternate Monsters: Desert Lizard, Small Lizard, Sulphur Lizard). Lwy is now killing 38x Lizard, it'll take around 8 minutes, 23 seconds to finish Lwy is now killing 38x Sulphur Lizard, it'll take around 4 minutes, 29 seconds to finish. the "lizard" task is unable to be cannoned for some reason, could this be cannonable so its a shorter task like cannoning sulphur lizards? task should be around 2-4 minutes if large amount. The "EHP" button sends you to kill lizards, so its annoying have to specifically type out /k sulphur lizards 38 method cannon

Dog task: Lwy is now killing 21x Guard dog, it'll take around 3 minutes, 23 seconds to finish Guard dog: kill time: 15 seconds - not cannonable Jackal kill time - 12 seconds - cannonable The "EHP" button sends you to kill guard dogs, so its annoying have to specifically type out /k jackal 21 method cannon The meta for this task is to kill jackals with blowpipe and cannon, could this be changed to be the default "ehp" option or guard dogs made cannonable?

Lewis7777 commented 1 month ago

The min/max quantity of specific monsters per task has also been updated, refer to wiki https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Turael

nwjgit commented 1 month ago

Something to look at when adjusting monster info aswell: Kodai gives a boost at a select few "burstable" monsters. In this case why not just give the boost to anytime doing barrage?