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Configure the user-agent in the MemGator instance #10

Open ibnesayeed opened 8 years ago

ibnesayeed commented 8 years ago

MemGator is configured to send an identifiable user-agent to each archive to help them analyze their logs and understand the traffic better. By default it generates a user-agent that has the name of the tool followed by the version number, then a contact information. The contact information is set to @WebSciDL by default which can be changed to something else that will change the user-agent accordingly. Optionally, the user-agent can be changed to something else completely.

-A, --agent=MemGator:1.0-rc3 <{CONTACT}>   # User-agent string sent to archives
-c, --contact=@WebSciDL                    # Email/URL/Twitter handle - Used in the user-agent

Please consider changing at least the contact information or the whole user-agent string. One possible string that I can think of may look like this:

MemGator:1.0-rc3 via NetCapsule:0.1-beta1 <https://github.com/ikreymer/netcapsule/>