ole-vi / BeLL-Apps

This is the third iteration of the BeLL software. It's a Backbone.js app that caches itself in the browser that is backed by CouchDB when a server is available and PouchDB in the browser when a server is not available. Initial support for PDFs is currently implemented, support for Videos and single HTML5 Apps coming next. Tracking bugs and new features in the Wiki at the moment.
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Consolidate and improve vagrant files. #85

Open waryhermit opened 7 years ago

waryhermit commented 7 years ago

We can make multiple vm's per vagrant file and then we can write vagrant up vi-nation or vagrant up vi-community, etc. See here for an example

Once we have consolidated all the vagrant stuff together, I would like to make the virtual intern package an option on the inno installer I have already made.

dogi commented 7 years ago

@waryhermit thanks