ole1986 / wp-ispconfig3

Wordpress ISPConfig plugin with Gutenberg support
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The domain is already registered #29

Closed Simon-CR closed 4 years ago

Simon-CR commented 4 years ago

any domain that I put in the field returns that the domain is already registered.

seems like there was another post over 2 years ago similar to this, but there was no real solution.

please advise

ole1986 commented 4 years ago

@realbuz since version 1.4.3 you can switch between whois and your local ISPConfig database to verify if the domain is already registered.

This setting can be found in WP-ISPConfig3 -> Settings -> Domain Check from the backend


Also you can use the below Regular expression setting to customize your domain validation

Simon-CR commented 4 years ago

the checkbox is already enabled. and if I try to uncheck and save it comes back checked again.



Simon-CR commented 4 years ago

running 1.4.4

ole1986 commented 4 years ago

Pretty sure this is fixed in version 1.5.0 which I have not finalized yet for WordPress..

I might come up with a hotfix for version 1.4.5 and quickly release it under the WordPress plugins

Simon-CR commented 4 years ago

ok, that would be appreciated.

Simon-CR commented 4 years ago

ok so the checkbox now does what it should do and let me save. However what needs to work is proper domain availability validation. Can we troubleshoot why (when the box is checked) domain validation isn't working as it should ?


ole1986 commented 4 years ago

When the Global domain check is hooked it verifies the domain availability by using the command whois

Some TLD providers do not support this command, instead they pass you through their online service.

As an example:

whois test.es

Returns: This TLD has no whois server, but you can access the whois database at https://www.nic.es/


whois somefreedomain.de


Domain: test12313132123123.de
Status: free

The script can validate if a domain is available only for the second example. There might be some other service (instead of whois) which is more accurate but may charge money for it.

ole1986 commented 4 years ago

An alternate command would be:

dig +noall +answer <domain> NS

This should either return the related name servers (possible unavailable) or nothing. Most linux systems do not have "dig" installed by default (apt-get install dnsutils for debian)

That is why I decided to use whois. But we can arrange another option to allow using dig instead if this is more reliable

Simon-CR commented 4 years ago

I dont mind having to install dig on the host in order to make the domain lookup more "accurate".

ole1986 commented 4 years ago

Allow me to put this as a new issue. So we can primarily focus on it.