oleander / Movies

Ruby bindings for IMDb using imdbapi.com as source
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TV-show episode support #1

Closed jonhoo closed 13 years ago

jonhoo commented 13 years ago

Would be great to have access to the episodes of a TV-series

oleander commented 13 years ago

IMDbAPI.com doesn't supports TV related data at the moment. If you for example search for Lost, this data is being returned.

    "Title": "Lost",
    "Year": "2004",
    "Rated": "TV-14",
    "Released": "22 Sep 2004",
    "Genre": "Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller",
    "Director": "N/A",
    "Writer": "J.J. Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber",
    "Actors": "Jorge Garcia, Naveen Andrews, Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway",
    "Plot": "The survivors of a plane crash are forced to live with each other on a remote island, a dangerous new world that poses unique threats of its own.",
    "Poster": "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjA3NzMyMzU1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjc1ODUwMg@@._V1._SX320.jpg",
    "Runtime": "42 mins",
    "Rating": "8.6",
    "Votes": "36426",
    "ID": "tt0411008",
    "Response": "True"

Here is the official answer from the imdbapi.com team.


Can this also be used for the TV Show section? I've been looking for a more consistent source of TV show info than TVDB, and I generally turn to IMDB to manually find episode listings and such that TVDB often has wrong or incomplete. Thanks in advance for any info on how to use this beyond just the MOVIE sections in Plex 9.1.13 Cheers.


As of now it's mainly for movies... Some shows do pull up but only the "Root" information about them, when it started, overall plot, actors etc. There is no way to pull back episode lists and titles... yet

jonhoo commented 13 years ago

Okay, we'll wait for them to get it then =)