olebedev / go-starter-kit

[abandoned] Golang isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules/SSR starter kit
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go-bindata-assetfs nil pointer #25

Closed simonklee closed 8 years ago

simonklee commented 8 years ago

I'm getting a nil pointer exception in production mode with the latest go-bindata-assetfs. Last working commit seems to be https://github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs/commit/d5cac425555ca5cf00694df246e04f05e6a55150

olebedev commented 8 years ago

@simonz05 sorry, but I can not reproduce this bug. I have just checked the deps one more time and didn't get any errors. Could you provide more info code pieces and so on?

olebedev commented 8 years ago

@simonz05 I had just found the bug. It seems that it's a case of breaking changes. I would recommend using some dependency management tool to lock dependencies. Actually, I plug in my own into the project. Please, see install section for details.

P.S.: I'll see that is the problem with go-bindata-assetfs soon.