olebedev / go-starter-kit

[abandoned] Golang isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules/SSR starter kit
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Install Not Working - Echo #44

Closed u382514 closed 8 years ago

u382514 commented 8 years ago

Went through install instructions on README on fresh go 1.6 install. On MAKE SERVE it is crashing stating "cannot find pkg github.com/labstack/echo" in "vendor/gopkg.in/labstack/echo.v1/middleware/auth.go:7:2"

Of course if you do a "go get" on that package it crashes with all kinds of error messages. What's the best way to get past this error?

u382514 commented 8 years ago

UPDATE: Changing the srlt.yaml file and running srlt restore for the following pacakges/commit ID's seems to have fixed the issue for me.

gopkg.in/labstack/echo.v1: f12d77f9cf7a374fa39e2e029a439c55e59dbc91 github.com/labstack/gommon: f8343700e8769e645b5f9949ec2e3a69f9fd71eb

olebedev commented 8 years ago

Hi @u382514,

thanks for your report. I have just merged #42 PR and it seems the problem is solved. If you still have a problem with it, please let me know.