olebedev / go-starter-kit

[abandoned] Golang isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules/SSR starter kit
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Restart go server on change #7

Closed girishso closed 8 years ago

girishso commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to auto restart the go server on .go file changes? The only way I know right now is restarting make serve.

May be using https://github.com/codegangsta/gin or my current favorite https://github.com/alexch/rerun

olebedev commented 8 years ago

Actually, it should works with make serve. There is the rule that runs fswatch to looking for changes.

What is your dev environment?

girishso commented 8 years ago

I am on Mac OS X Yosemite. Somehow it's not working for me!

girishso commented 8 years ago

Oh I didn't have fswatch... brew install fswatch fixed it!

Thank you!

olebedev commented 8 years ago
