olebedev / go-starter-kit

[abandoned] Golang isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules/SSR starter kit
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Support for react 16 #95

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Does this project support react 16?

jimbojetlag commented 6 years ago

Bump! Is this project dead?

Unfortunately webpack also needs updating. Yes it sucks to keep up with javascriptdashians.

olebedev commented 6 years ago

The project definitely needs more attention. I don’t know when could I dig into it and update all the things. Maybe in around 2-3 weeks. Any help is welcome!

jimbojetlag commented 6 years ago

Is there a way that parts of the project can be delegated to create-react-app, so that the javascript updates are outsources? Even if this is updated now, it will require constant future updates.

olebedev commented 6 years ago

I've thought exactly about this approach. And it seems we could rely on CRA a bit. But not sure that it generates the code to use it on the server side too. Requires some investigation.

stefanfransen commented 6 years ago

Is there any update on this? Thanks!

omgnull commented 6 years ago

ping -update -please

emwalker commented 6 years ago

I did this recently in a project that has now diverged enough that I won't be able to easily put together a PR for this. From memory, switching to React 16 has several follow-on effects. I think it might mess up the existing hot module reloading.