oleeskild / digitalgarden

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Link and Backlink problem when note name has hyphens #263

Open johndsmith2024 opened 2 months ago

johndsmith2024 commented 2 months ago

Both in my Obsidian vault and in the notes I exported from WordPress (then converted to Markdown), the file names usually have dates in them, with hyphens in date section and also in the rest of the file name to replace spaces, e.g. 2024-05-16-blog-post.md, or 2024-05-16-123.md. Digitalgarden site seems to have problem with such file names, so it produces cut off link titles, e.g. 123 rather than 2024-05-16-123 in the File Tree, and in the Backlinks pane, there aren't any links being shown, even though the note has multiple backlinks (and showing ok in Obsdian).