oleeskild / digitalgarden

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[BUG] InnerLink hrefLink not working and permalink question #271

Open JiaHuann opened 3 weeks ago

JiaHuann commented 3 weeks ago

Do i need to add permalink metadata for every notes? I have seen DG use this to generate url and headerlink, Even all of my Link not work. My File Tree in obsdian like this:

___ xxx

and i use wiki Link for Inner Link. Is that not work?

I made some debug things. Output like this

[DEBUG 11ty] fileName: allContent/LHS   permalink: /notes/all-content-lhs   headerLinkPath:
[DEBUG 11ty] fileName: allContent/RHS   permalink: /notes/all-content-rhs   headerLinkPath:

When i try to broswer this,it reports below content.

Cannot GET /notes/all-content-rhs