oleeskild / digitalgarden

275 stars 159 forks source link

I don't push the file ? why? #79

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

10:32:50 AM: 1. build.command from netlify.toml
10:32:50 AM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10:32:50 AM: ​ 10:32:50 AM: $ npm install && npm run build 10:32:51 AM: up to date, audited 511 packages in 657ms 10:32:51 AM: 85 packages are looking for funding 10:32:51 AM: run npm fund for details 10:32:51 AM: 8 vulnerabilities (1 moderate, 6 high, 1 critical) 10:32:51 AM: Some issues need review, and may require choosing 10:32:51 AM: a different dependency. 10:32:51 AM: Run npm audit for details. 10:32:52 AM: > web@1.0.0 build 10:32:52 AM: > npm-run-all get-theme build: 10:32:52 AM: > web@1.0.0 get-theme 10:32:52 AM: > node src/site/get-theme.js 10:32:52 AM: > web@1.0.0 build:eleventy 10:32:52 AM: > cross-env ELEVENTY_ENV=prod NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 eleventy 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] Problem writing Eleventy templates: (more in DEBUG output) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] Output conflict: multiple input files are writing to dist/index.html. Use distinct permalink values to resolve this conflict. 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] 1. ./src/site/notes/对象之间的关系.md 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] 2. ./src/site/index.njk (via DuplicatePermalinkOutputError) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] Original error stack trace: (Repeated output has been truncated…) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] at TemplateMap.checkForDuplicatePermalinks (/opt/build/repo/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateMap.js:799:13) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] at TemplateMap.cache (/opt/build/repo/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateMap.js:484:10) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] at async TemplateWriter._createTemplateMap (/opt/build/repo/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateWriter.js:330:5) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] at async TemplateWriter.generateTemplates (/opt/build/repo/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateWriter.js:360:5) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] at async TemplateWriter.write (/opt/build/repo/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateWriter.js:407:23) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] at async Eleventy.executeBuild (/opt/build/repo/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/Eleventy.js:1160:13) 10:32:53 AM: [11ty] Copied 7 files / Wrote 0 files in 0.32 seconds (v2.0.0) 10:32:53 AM: ERROR: "build:eleventy" exited with 1. 10:32:53 AM: ​ 10:32:54 AM: Failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2 (https://ntl.fyi/exit-code-2) 10:32:53 AM: "build.command" failed
10:32:53 AM: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 10:32:53 AM: ​ 10:32:53 AM: Error message 10:32:53 AM: Command failed with exit code 1: npm install && npm run build (https://ntl.fyi/exit-code-1) 10:32:53 AM: ​ 10:32:53 AM: Error location 10:32:53 AM: In build.command from netlify.toml: 10:32:53 AM: npm install && npm run build 10:32:53 AM: ​ 10:32:53 AM: Resolved config 10:32:53 AM: build: 10:32:53 AM: command: npm install && npm run build 10:32:53 AM: commandOrigin: config 10:32:53 AM: publish: /opt/build/repo/dist 10:32:53 AM: publishOrigin: config 10:32:53 AM: functionsDirectory: /opt/build/repo/netlify/functions 10:32:53 AM: redirects: 10:32:54 AM: - from: /api/
status: 200 to: /.netlify/functions/:splat

oleeskild commented 1 year ago

I think this has to do with your note titles using non-English characters. Try turning off "Slugify note URL" in the plugin setting, and republish everyting and see if that helps.