oleeskild / obsidian-digital-garden

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Support MathPad #106

Open f-mc2 opened 1 year ago

f-mc2 commented 1 year ago

Hi Ole, thank you very much for the wonderful work, I really appreciate your effort! I am trying to set up my digital garden, and I found that the plugin "obsidian-latex" (https://github.com/xldenis/obsidian-latex) does not work by default. Is there a way to use additional plugins in connection with "obsidian-digital-garden"?

oleeskild commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately there is no way for users to configure arbitrary plugins to work together with the digital garden plugin. Some plugins is however possible to support by adding it as a feature. I can look into if it's easy to add support for this. Do you have an example of what you expected to work? The plugin currently supports mathjax, but I guess you use some notation not included in mathjax?

f-mc2 commented 1 year ago

I see. The plugin I am referring to is "obsidian-latex" which is used to be able to have LaTeX macros directly in Obsidian. However, I realized I can use a text-expander (like Espanso) to obtain what I need without using the plugin. Therefore, I think there is no rush to look into this specific plugin so that you may focus on other more pressing issues ;-) Thank you very much for the help!

f-mc2 commented 1 year ago

I recently stumbled upon this amazing math-related plugin: mathpad. It allows, among other things, to plot functions and embed the result in a note. I think it would be amazing to be able to use this plugin in connection with Digitalgarden.

oleeskild commented 1 year ago

That looks interesting! I will look into it when I have the time. I think that would be a really cool addition. Thanks for the suggestion!