oleeskild / obsidian-digital-garden

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Question: Any sample pages other than "Obsidian Digital Garden"? #55

Open nhan000 opened 2 years ago

nhan000 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I was wondering what the end result looks like for this plugin but can't find any other sample pages. If you know of anyone who uses this plugin to publish their notes could you please share their pages here? Thanks a lot!

oleeskild commented 2 years ago

I know of one, https://notes.thatother.dev, from other issues posted here. Sadly I'm not aware of many others, as I have no way of getting that information. It would be nice to have a list though, that can be added to the README as examples. If people are comfortable with it, it would be great if they could post a link to their digital garden in this thread/issue.

hxhc commented 2 years ago

Hi, I also created a page, check notes.hxhc.xyz. I made some customization on the theme cause I like light themes.

saezhe commented 1 year ago

i'll chip in with my site here: saezheneia.netlify.app/ (i'm currently submitting another issue to do with links generated from dataview tables)

Calorion commented 1 year ago

This should be added to the documentation. Heck, you could make a button to submit to the directory!

aaronjamesyoung commented 1 year ago

here's mine! https://ajy.co - it's a work in progress (but I guess that's the point). I'm using the default theme with some customizations. Thanks for packaging this together in a way that made it easy to get up and running. Dataview support in particular is awesome.

zcysxy commented 1 year ago

Here is mine: https://edav-garden.netlify.app 🎉 It is on the topic of exploratory data analysis and visualization (EDAV).

Aldo-Aditiya commented 1 year ago

Awesome plugin, very easy to set up and really doesn't get in your way!

Here's mine: https://overthinking.netlify.app/ still a work in progress though.

notealoud commented 1 year ago

This is my site: https://booksbeansboots.co.uk/ Random jottings and some writing!

pawelel commented 1 year ago

My knowledge tree: https://pawelel.netlify.app/

uroybd commented 1 year ago

This is mine: https://topobon.utsob.me

Hacked the template quite a bit, primarily to support title from the frontmatter.

amperag commented 1 year ago

I'll add mine to: https://www.alberer.contact/

uroybd commented 1 year ago

This is mine: https://topobon.utsob.me

Hacked the template quite a bit, primarily to support title from the frontmatter.

This is still accessible, but as an alias. I've moved the site to https://hermitage.utsob.me

MH-BY commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for the plugin! I just posted mine here https://www.emhabayu.com

Gonglja commented 1 year ago

Hi, this is my garden: https://glj0.eu.org, mainly daily notes, in Chinese

asr1 commented 1 year ago

Adding my own: https://garden.alexrinehart.net/ Still building it out 🙂

Calorion commented 1 year ago

Adding my own: https://garden.alexrinehart.net/ Still building it out 🙂

Nice! Very attractive.

The one thing I would wish for is the ability to add a commenting feature!

asr1 commented 1 year ago

Adding my own: https://garden.alexrinehart.net/ Still building it out 🙂

Nice! Very attractive.

The one thing I would wish for is the ability to add a commenting feature!

Good idea! I've used Utterance for my blog, I could probably connect the same thing here with a little bit of work.

Calorion commented 1 year ago

Good idea! I've used Utterance for my blog, I could probably connect the same thing here with a little bit of work.

If you get it working, let me know how!

uroybd commented 1 year ago

Good idea! I've used Utterance for my blog, I could probably connect the same thing here with a little bit of work.

If you get it working, let me know how!

This is actually very easy following this method: https://dg-docs.ole.dev/advanced/adding-custom-components/

asr1 commented 1 year ago

Good idea! I've used Utterance for my blog, I could probably connect the same thing here with a little bit of work.

If you get it working, let me know how!

This is actually very easy following this method: https://dg-docs.ole.dev/advanced/adding-custom-components/

Good callout! This was actually super easy. All I did was add one file and then enable the Utterances app for my repo. Works like a charm! Might need to pretty up the CSS to match the rest of my site, but that's straightforward too. Thanks for the tip.

Also notifying @Calorion

zytomorrow commented 1 year ago

Hi, this is my garden: https://zytomorrow.top/, in Chinese. And I add a comment function,it replace my blog with hugo perfectly.

pheelwell commented 1 year ago

Hi, I recently published my dungeons and dragons campain notes with your template: pheelwell-garden.vercel.app

Calorion commented 1 year ago

Hi, I recently published my dungeons and dragons campain notes with your template: pheelwell-garden.vercel.app

That looks amazing! However, your "Last Updated Articles:” and "Largest Articles” functions aren’t working. Pretty cool if they did though!

pheelwell commented 1 year ago

I know, they did work when I first exported the Site. But something went wrong after republishing it 😢

Calorion commented 1 year ago

here's mine! https://ajy.co - it's a work in progress (but I guess that's the point). I'm using the default theme with some customizations. Thanks for packaging this together in a way that made it easy to get up and running. Dataview support in particular is awesome.

This is amazing! How did you get all those neat Javascript tricks working?

GJRobert commented 1 year ago

Currently I'm building two Digital Gardens:

Both in various languages in Taiwan, not only in Mandarin (Chinese), but also in Hakka, Taigi.

jeroen-vet commented 1 year ago

Add www.spiritual-garden.com please?

DudeThatsErin commented 1 year ago

Add https://dudethatserin.com please?

uroybd commented 1 year ago

At this point, we can create a categorized directory of digital gardens.

Sude369 commented 11 months ago

thank you for this awesome plugin https://bit-garden.vercel.app/

twhite96 commented 10 months ago

Currently I'm building two Digital Gardens:

  • aiuanyu.vercel.app (namely "Love for all languages in Taiwan", posts and notes for promoting knowledge about languages and writing)
  • imazingrace.vercel.app (namely "Imazing Grace of information technology and internet", sharing posts and notes about softwares)

Both in various languages in Taiwan, not only in Mandarin (Chinese), but also in Hakka, Taigi.

Can I ask how you used the template for two different vaults? I tried to add a second one and it errors with loading publication status.

GJRobert commented 10 months ago

Currently I'm building two Digital Gardens:

  • aiuanyu.vercel.app (namely "Love for all languages in Taiwan", posts and notes for promoting knowledge about languages and writing)
  • imazingrace.vercel.app (namely "Imazing Grace of information technology and internet", sharing posts and notes about softwares)

Both in various languages in Taiwan, not only in Mandarin (Chinese), but also in Hakka, Taigi.

Can I ask how you used the template for two different vaults? I tried to add a second one and it errors with loading publication status.

Hi @twhite96 I am actually using only 1 vault but publishing to two digital gardens. Is this what you are looking for? If so, I will write about some simple steps to make it work.

GJRobert commented 10 months ago

@twhite96, here you go: https://imazingrace.vercel.app/Obsidian/DG/multiple/ Feel free to tell if any questions. Hope gets well with yours.

daichikuwa0618 commented 10 months ago

Here is my garden, written in Japanese: AstroSlips. I love this plugin 💟

twhite96 commented 10 months ago

@GJRobert got it done! THANK YOU!!!

twhite96 commented 10 months ago

I have two sites thanks to @GJRobert:

Cyber Notes Tiff Notes

jrtx0 commented 10 months ago

Blog: 探索计算机与生活的艺术, still a work in progress though.

EaMarWi commented 10 months ago

Currently I'm building two Digital Gardens:

Both in various languages in Taiwan, not only in Mandarin (Chinese), but also in Hakka, Taigi.


GJRobert commented 10 months ago


Hello, it's a great example introduced by @oleeskild on the official doc site: https://dg-docs.ole.dev/advanced/adding-custom-components/#examples-in-the-wildhttps://github.com/uroybd/topobon/blob/main/src/site/_includes/components/user/common/footer/001-floatingControls.njk How he did it.

magicGina commented 9 months ago

I create my garden and will play in it with my friends! thanks very much! https://perch.parasoltree.top/ I used Minimal theme and created a card view of all the articles, blogs that I will write in. If someone likes it then you can copy this template

GJRobert commented 9 months ago

I create my garden and will play in it with my friends! thanks very much! https://perch.parasoltree.top/ I used Minimal theme and created a card view of all the articles, blogs that I will write in. If someone likes it then you can copy this tempelate

Hi, in your template there does not seem to contain the CSS files for the card view. Are they in your digitalgarden .njk and .css files? Can you show them?

strbrgr commented 9 months ago

My Notes Garden

Rob-Ferguson commented 9 months ago

I use this project to host the website for the local bitcoin meetup in Honolulu: www.hnlbtc.group

magicGina commented 9 months ago

Hi, in your template there does not seem to contain the CSS files for the card view. Are they in your digitalgarden .njk and .css files? Can you show them?

reply this:

I just used Minimal theme default. and added this in yaml, then the table created by dataview became cards.

 - cards
 - cards-cover
 - cards-1-1
 - cards-cols-4

though there are some css and njks i used in my settings ,it's just trying to fix some bugs of the theme. It's not the most important.

M-Waweru commented 8 months ago

Hello. I have been building my digital garden for a while. You can find it here: www.mathnuscripts.com/

1ARdotNO commented 8 months ago

Making my knowledgebase for sharing here; https://1AR.NO

mingzailao commented 8 months ago

Here is my website of my notes: https://brain.mingzailao.live

ekliao commented 8 months ago

I'm so grateful for this Obsidian Digital Garden plugin! Here's my website. I'm a Mandarin and English conference and legal interpreter:


craftengineer commented 8 months ago

please add my as well: https://www.craftengineer.com/, thanks 🙏

pivic commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the plugin, it's brilliant.

My garden: https://garden.pivic.com