olefredrik / FoundationPress

FoundationPress is a WordPress starter theme based on Foundation 6 by Zurb
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npm run build not updating app.css neither editor.css #1401

Open jorge-vitrubio opened 5 years ago

jorge-vitrubio commented 5 years ago

doing a npm run build can't see most recent changes inside dist/assets/css/ files get stuck in previous stage. in ordert to have a more recent app.css I have to do npm run package and then upload the packaged to wordpress site.

I wan't to produce changes locally and upload only the files that need to be updated, not all the theme.

please, any sugestion


$ npm -v
$ node -v
$ npm run build

> greenballon-fp@1.0.1 build ~/Documents/green.elglobus/greenballon-fp
> gulp build --production

[14:30:19] Failed to load external module @babel/register
[14:30:19] Requiring external module babel-register
[14:30:20] Loading config file...
[14:30:20] config.yml does not exist, loading config-default.yml
[14:30:20] Using gulpfile ~/Documents/greenballon-fp/gulpfile.babel.js
[14:30:20] Starting 'build'...
[14:30:20] Starting 'clean'...
[14:30:20] Finished 'clean' after 7.39 ms
[14:30:20] Starting 'sass'...
[14:30:20] Starting 'webpack:build'...
[14:30:20] Starting 'images'...
[14:30:20] Starting 'copy'...
[14:30:20] Finished 'copy' after 666 ms
[14:30:25] Finished 'sass' after 4.94 s
[14:30:25] gulp-imagemin: Minified 6 images (saved 55 kB - 27.7%)
[14:30:25] Finished 'images' after 5 s
[14:30:27] Version: webpack 3.12.0
 Asset    Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
app.js  372 kB       0  [emitted]  [big]  app
[14:30:27] Finished 'webpack:build' after 7.52 s
[14:30:27] Finished 'build' after 7.53 s


kLOsk commented 5 years ago

Even tho it seems like the file has not been changed it indeed has so, see stat -x app.css http://b3.ms/yYLn75VKZ9Gg When you deploy via git, git will recognize the file difference and upload the changed files accordingly. How do you run your deploys at the moment?