oleg-shilo / codemap.vscode

Code map (syntax tree) of the active document
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Verilog mapper #99

Closed niciki-niciki closed 18 hours ago

niciki-niciki commented 1 week ago


Here is my proposal for Verilog mapper.

I made this dedicated mapper to be very simillar to a generic mapper, meaning: . Pattern . Clear . Prefix . Icon

It supports: . Multi-line patterns . DEBUG switch (0/1) to see related regexp in CodeMap list, or not . show_indent switch (0/1) to enable indentiation, or not

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fs = require("fs");

const DEBUG = 0;
const show_indent = 0;

class mapper {

  static read_all_lines(file) {
    let text = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
    return text.split(/\r?\n/g);

  static generate(file) {
    let members = [];
    try {
      let line_num = 0;
      let prev_line = "";
      let prev_x2_line = "";

      const re_parsers = [
        // Module params
          "pattern": /(^\s*)module\s+(`?\w+)\s*#\s*\(/, // "module [`]name #("
          "prefix": "module ",
          "suffix": " #(",
          "icon": "class"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)module\s+(`?\w+)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "module [`]name \n #("
          "prefix": "module ",
          "suffix": " #(",
          "icon": "class",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*#\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)module\s+(`?\w+)\s*#(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "module [`]name # \n ("
          "prefix": "module ",
          "suffix": " #(",
          "icon": "class",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
        // Module
          "pattern": /(^\s*)module\s+(`?\w+)\s*\(/, // "module [`]name  ("
          "prefix": "module ",
          "suffix": " (",
          "icon": "class"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)module\s+(`?\w+)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "module [`]name \n ("
          "prefix": "module ",
          "suffix": " (",
          "icon": "class",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
        // Instance params
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(`?\w+)\s*#\s*\(/, // "[`]instance #("
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(`?\w+)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "[`]instance \n #("
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*#\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(`?\w+)\s*#(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "[`]instance # \n ("
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(`\w+)\(.*?\)\s*#\s*\(/, // "`MACRO_NAME(`PACKAGE_NAME, `VER)   #("
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(`\w+)\(.*?\)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "`MACRO_NAME(`PACKAGE_NAME, `VER) \n  #("
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*#\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(`\w+)\(.*?\)\s*#(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "`MACRO_NAME(`PACKAGE_NAME, `VER)  # \n ("
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\(\*.+?\*\)\s*(`?\w+)\s*#\s*\(/, // "(* DONT_TOUCH = "yes" *) [`]instance #("
          "clear": "\(\*.+?\*\)\s*",
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\(\*.+?\*\)\s*(`?\w+)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "(* DONT_TOUCH = "yes" *) [`]instance \n #("
          "clear": "\(\*.+?\*\)\s*",
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*#\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\(\*.+?\*\)\s*(`?\w+)\s*#(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "(* DONT_TOUCH = "yes" *) [`]instance # \n ("
          "clear": "\(\*.+?\*\)\s*",
          "suffix": " #",
          "icon": "property",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
        // Instance
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\)\s*(`?\w+)\s*\(/, // ") [`]inst_name ("
          "icon": "level1"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\)\s*(`?\w+)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // ") [`]inst_name \n ("
          "icon": "level1",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(`?\w+)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // ") \n [`]inst_name \n ("
          "icon": "level1",
          "threeLinePattern": {
            "prev": /\)$/,
            "next": /^\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\)\s*(`?\w+\[.*?\])\s*\(/, // ") [`]inst_name[3:0] ("
          "icon": "level1"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\)\s*(`?\w+\[.*?\])(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // ") [`]inst_name[3:0] \n ("
          "icon": "level1",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\w+\s+(\w+)\s*\(\)/, // undefined_parameters undefined_parameters()
          "icon": "level1"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)`?\w+\s+(\w+)\s*\(\s*$/, // "[`]submodule inst_name ("
          "icon": "level1"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)`?(?!ifdef)\w+\s+(\w+)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "[`]submodule inst_name \n ("
          "icon": "level1",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\(\*.+?\*\)\s*`?(?!ifdef)\w+\s+(\w+)\s*\(\s*$/, // "(* DONT_TOUCH = "yes" *) [`]submodule inst_name ("
          "icon": "level1"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\(\*.+?\*\)\s*`?(?!ifdef)\w+\s+(\w+)(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "(* DONT_TOUCH = "yes" *) [`]submodule inst_name \n ("
          "icon": "level1",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
          "pattern": /(^\s*)`?(?!ifdef)\w+\s+(\w+\[.*?\])\s*\(\s*$/, // "[`]submodule inst_name[3:0] ("
          "icon": "level1"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)`?(?!ifdef)\w+\s+(\w+\[.*?\])(?:\s*\/\/\.*)?$/, // "[`]submodule inst_name[3:0] \n ("
          "icon": "level1",
          "twoLinePattern": /^\s*\(/
        // Others
          "pattern": /(^\s*).*?\b(S_\w+\s*=.*)[,;]/, // "S_... = ..."
          "clear": " ",
          "prefix": "State: ",
          "icon": "function"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)task\s+(.*)/, // "task ..."
          "clear": ";",
          "icon": "function"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(initial.*)/, // "initial ..."
          "clear": "begin",
          "icon": "function"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\/\/\s*([iI][nN][iI][tT][iI][aA][lL])\s*?/ // "// initial" or "// INITIAL"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\/\/\s*([sS][tT][iI][mM][uU][lL][iI])\s*?/ // "// stimuli" or "// STIMULI"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\/\/\s*([dD][eE][bB][uU][gG])\s*?/ // "// debug" or "// DEBUG"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)\/\/\s*FSM\s+(\w+)/, // "// FSM fsm_name"
          "prefix": "// FSM "
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(localparam.*?);/, // "localparam ..."
          "prefix": "⚙️ "
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(function.*?);/, // "function ..."
          "icon": "function"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(always.*)/, // "always ..."
          "clear": "begin",
          "icon": "function"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(case.*)/, // "case ..."
          "icon": "function"
          "pattern": /(\s*)(begin\s*:.*)/, // "begin :"
          "clear": "begin|:| ",
          "prefix": "=== ",
          "suffix": " ==="
          "pattern": /(\s*)(end\s*:)/, // "end :"
          "clear": ":| ",
          "prefix": "= ",
          "suffix": " ="
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(`?(?!end)\w+)\s*:/, // "case_name :"
          "suffix": " :"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(default)\s*:/, // "default :"
          "suffix": " :"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(\d*'\w.+?)\s*:/, // "2'b10 :"
          "suffix": " :"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(generate.*)/, // "generate..."
          "clear": "begin"
          "pattern": /(^\s*)(endgenerate.*)/ // "endgenerate..."

        .forEach(line => {
          line = line.replace(/\t/g, '  ');
          // proc
          let isFound = false;
          let result_line = "";
          let result_line_num = 0;
          let result_re_parser = {};

          for (const re_parser of re_parsers) {
            if ("threeLinePattern" in re_parser) {
              if (re_parser.threeLinePattern.next.test(line)) {
                if (re_parser.pattern.test(prev_line)) {
                  if (re_parser.threeLinePattern.prev.test(prev_x2_line)) {
                    isFound = true;
                    result_line = prev_line;
                    result_line_num = line_num-1;
                    result_re_parser = re_parser;
            } else if ("twoLinePattern" in re_parser) {
              if (re_parser.twoLinePattern.test(line)) {
                if (re_parser.pattern.test(prev_line)) {
                  isFound = true;
                  result_line = prev_line;
                  result_line_num = line_num-1;
                  result_re_parser = re_parser;
            } else if (re_parser.pattern.test(line)) {
              isFound = true;
              result_line = line;
              result_line_num = line_num;
              result_re_parser = re_parser;

          if (isFound) {
            let result = result_line.match(result_re_parser.pattern);
            let result_indent = "";
            let result_text = "";
            let result_icon = "none";

            if (result.length == 2) {
              result_text = result[1];
            } else {
              result_indent = result[1];
              result_text = result[2];

            if ("clear" in result_re_parser) {
              const clears = result_re_parser.clear.split("|");
              clears.forEach(clear => {
                result_text = result_text.replace(clear, '');

            if ("prefix" in result_re_parser) {
              result_text = result_re_parser.prefix + result_text;

            if ("suffix" in result_re_parser) {
              result_text = result_text + result_re_parser.suffix;

            if ("icon" in result_re_parser) {
              result_icon = result_re_parser.icon;

            if (DEBUG) {
              if ("threeLinePattern" in result_re_parser) {
                members.push(`✍🏻 DEBUG three-line pattern:|${result_line_num}|none`);
                members.push(`✍🏻 #1: "${result_re_parser.threeLinePattern.prev}"|${result_line_num}|none`);
                members.push(`✍🏻 #2: "${result_re_parser.pattern}"|${result_line_num}|none`);
                members.push(`✍🏻 #3: "${result_re_parser.threeLinePattern.next}"|${result_line_num}|none`);
              } else if ("twoLinePattern" in result_re_parser) {
                members.push(`✍🏻 DEBUG two-line pattern:|${result_line_num}|none`);
                members.push(`✍🏻 #1: "${result_re_parser.pattern}"|${result_line_num}|none`);
                members.push(`✍🏻 #2: "${result_re_parser.twoLinePattern}"|${result_line_num}|none`);
              } else {
                members.push(`✍🏻 DEBUG "${result_re_parser.pattern}"|${result_line_num}|none`);

            if (show_indent) {
            } else {

          prev_x2_line = prev_line;
          prev_line = line;
    catch (error) {

    return members
exports.mapper = mapper;
oleg-shilo commented 1 week ago

Great thank you for your contribution. Can you share a simple Verilog file sample so I can test it after I integrate your mapper?

niciki-niciki commented 4 days ago

Here are some simple examples: https://gitlab.com/niciki/hdlbits_verilog_practice/-/raw/main/3%20Circuits/3.2%20Sequential%20Logic/3.2.4%20More%20Circuits/02_Rule110.v



oleg-shilo commented 19 hours ago

It works: image

oleg-shilo commented 18 hours ago

Done. I have published Release v1.26.0

Thank you for your contribution