oleg-shilo / cs-script.vscode

VSCode extension for CS-Script
MIT License
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throw "No process is associated with this object" on osx vscode #12

Closed windhuan closed 3 years ago

windhuan commented 5 years ago

osx version 10.13.5 mono version 5.12.0

[Running] mono "/Users/wind/Library/Application Support/Code/User/cs-script.user/cscs.exe" "/Users/wind/Documents/test/Untitled-1.cs" Error: Specified file could not be compiled.

System.InvalidOperationException: No process is associated with this object. at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState (System.Diagnostics.Process+State state) [0x00018] in <81ba78c8dc794b7f9f7b530c53db0f84>:0 at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_HasExited () [0x0000b] in <81ba78c8dc794b7f9f7b530c53db0f84>:0 at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState (System.Diagnostics.Process+State state) [0x0007b] in <81ba78c8dc794b7f9f7b530c53db0f84>:0 at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ExitCode () [0x00000] in <81ba78c8dc794b7f9f7b530c53db0f84>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ExitCode() at Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler+MonoExecutor_patched.Local_InternalExecWaitWithCapture (System.String file, System.String cmd, System.String currentDir, System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection tempFiles, System.String& outputName, System.String& errorName) [0x0011f] in <864b15734bd0484490a76fff76589a6c>:0 at Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler.Compile (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String compilerFullPath, System.String arguments, System.String& outputFile, System.Int32& nativeReturnValue) [0x000e1] in <864b15734bd0484490a76fff76589a6c>:0 at Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler.FromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x001b8] in <864b15734bd0484490a76fff76589a6c>:0 at Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler.CompileAssemblyFromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x0005d] in <864b15734bd0484490a76fff76589a6c>:0 at csscript.CSExecutor.CompileAssembly (System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler compiler, System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters compilerParams, System.String[] filesToCompile) [0x00000] in <8c9ac531470d4f7d8dc846a682dcb1ef>:0 at csscript.CSExecutor.Compile (System.String scriptFileName) [0x007d8] in <8c9ac531470d4f7d8dc846a682dcb1ef>:0 at csscript.CSExecutor.ExecuteImpl () [0x005a1] in <8c9ac531470d4f7d8dc846a682dcb1ef>:0

[Done] exited with code=1 in 0.445 seconds

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

can you provide your "Untitled-1.cs" content?

windhuan commented 5 years ago

I use the default code

using System; class Script { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello..."); } }

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

And can you please try executing mono cscs.exe <script file> outside of VSCode?

windhuan commented 5 years ago

Yes, the same error. but i use the mono csc.exe build it and run ,it's ok

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

What version of mono are you using?

windhuan commented 5 years ago


oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

OK, I am using 5.0.1 on Windows. I will need to update and check if mono has changed the location of the compiler in the new version.

The problem is that MS/Mono have stopped updating Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler long time ago and I had to patch the last published build by myself. Quite possibly the patch needs the adjustment.

Making the issue into a defect...

windhuan commented 5 years ago

OK , i'm using the windows version now.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

And the result? The same?

windhuan commented 5 years ago

It's OK on windows.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Can you please search your mono dirs on osx fo csc.exe. There can be a few of them.

windhuan commented 5 years ago

I only installed the mono once .

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

I only installed the mono once .

Does not matter, any .NET installation including mono may have multiple compilers present for different C# syntax. But most likely it' only one.

Anyway if you provide me the location of the csec.exe I can give you a patch to try it on osx.

you can also try to set CSSCRIPT_ROSLYN envar to the dir where "csc.exe" is just before executing "mono cscs.exe script" this may jut get you through.

windhuan commented 5 years ago

The same error. this is my css_config.mono.xml content


windhuan commented 5 years ago

The same error . this is my css_config.mono.xml

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

I am not sure why closed the issue. Is it resolved now? I am reopening it and will verify the extension works with the latest Mono. Though I can only test on Win and Linux.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

One other thing... you can remove the UseAlternativeCompiler value from the config file and this will default to the whatever compiler engine mono has by default. This may help though the supported C# syntax may fall back to C# 6 if the engine does not support C# 7.

windhuan commented 5 years ago

The same error

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

The same error

Not sure your change had an effect.

Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler+MonoExecutor_patched is a method that I have implemented in the 'alternative compiler' (CSSRoslynProvider.dll) thus I would expect no error or a different one. But if the error is "the same" then the 'alternative compiler' is still loaded at runtime.

This is how you can check if the the removal of useAlternativeCompiler takes the effect: With an alternative compiler:



Without an alternative compiler:

<!--  <useAlternativeCompiler>CSSRoslynProvider.dll</useAlternativeCompiler> -->


oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Just tested on Linux Mint with Mono 5.12.0. Works as expected. I don't have xos for testing so I cannot verify/test the problem. I'll keep the issue open so if other users experience the same problem it can be revisited.

salamoun commented 5 years ago

Same problem on Mac OS:

[Running] mono "/Users/michal/Library/Application Support/Code/User/cs-script.user/cscs.exe" "/Users/michal/Downloads/test.cs"
Error: Specified file could not be compiled.

System.InvalidOperationException: No process is associated with this object.
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState (System.Diagnostics.Process+State state) [0x00018] in <81ba78c8dc794b7f9f7b530c53db0f84>:0 
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_HasExited () [0x0000b] in <81ba78c8dc794b7f9f7b530c53db0f84>:0 
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState (System.Diagnostics.Process+State state) [0x0007b] in <81ba78c8dc794b7f9f7b530c53db0f84>:0 
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ExitCode () [0x00000] in <81ba78c8dc794b7f9f7b530c53db0f84>:0 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ExitCode()
  at Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler+MonoExecutor_patched.Local_InternalExecWaitWithCapture (System.String file, System.String cmd, System.String currentDir, System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection tempFiles, System.String& outputName, System.String& errorName) [0x0011f] in <864b15734bd0484490a76fff76589a6c>:0 
  at Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler.Compile (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String compilerFullPath, System.String arguments, System.String& outputFile, System.Int32& nativeReturnValue) [0x000e1] in <864b15734bd0484490a76fff76589a6c>:0 
  at Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler.FromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x001b8] in <864b15734bd0484490a76fff76589a6c>:0 
  at Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.Compiler.CompileAssemblyFromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x0005d] in <864b15734bd0484490a76fff76589a6c>:0 
  at csscript.CSExecutor.CompileAssembly (System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler compiler, System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters compilerParams, System.String[] filesToCompile) [0x00000] in <c2f207e071434b87998d9f8f5c48a9bb>:0 
  at csscript.CSExecutor.Compile (System.String scriptFileName) [0x007d8] in <c2f207e071434b87998d9f8f5c48a9bb>:0 
  at csscript.CSExecutor.ExecuteImpl () [0x005a1] in <c2f207e071434b87998d9f8f5c48a9bb>:0 

[Done] exited with code=1 in 0.314 seconds

On Windows works fine.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Can you please check that your config file in /Users/michal/Library/Application Support/Code/User/cs-script.user/css_config*.xml has useAlternativeCompiler element empty or commented out. This will force fallback to default mono C# syntax 6.0.

salamoun commented 5 years ago

I change it from: <useAlternativeCompiler>CSSRoslynProvider.dll</useAlternativeCompiler> to <useAlternativeCompiler></useAlternativeCompiler>

but it not helps. Still same error. And after some run attempts I get message "CS-Script is busy".

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Sorry,I did not get notification about your latest post and only found it because someone else has asked the same question in another thread.

The last test you have done confirmed something that I was afraid of. The Mono distro for MacOS that you are using has changed the implementation of the default compiler-as-service interface and it doesn't longer work. I can tell this simply because "alternative compiler" (CS-Script component) did some tricky stuff that can potentially fail on new OS. But when we fall back to the default compiler it's only Mono who does the compilation and CS-Script does not do any trickery at all.

I still cannot exclude that there is some possible work around but I my options are very limited as I have no access to MacOS but Win and Linux only.

I know it's not the answer you were hoping for :(

Though I can tell you this. I am in process of rereleasing CS-Script as CS-Script.Core that targets .NET Core. In fact the engine has been already migrated and released: https://github.com/oleg-shilo/cs-script.core

And I am a few months away from migrating the all three major editors plugins on .NET Core as well (Notepad++, Sublime Text 3 and VSCode). I expect .NET Core migration to address this issue.

psrivastava commented 5 years ago

I have two macbooks at home. 1 is working fine. I am setting it up on my new laptop & Its giving this error. I cross-checked and confirmed, same version of MONO as well as cs-script on both.

psrivastava commented 5 years ago

oleg, I don't have Windows to build your code. I think , if we just produce another debug build with exception tracers that might help.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Excellent, I will prepare some special builds and send it to you for testing. Really appreciate you assistance

psrivastava commented 5 years ago

something in the very beginning gives this error as well in VSCode. In my older Mac I don't see this error prompt (this is the setup where everything works absolutely fine). Looks to me both could related.

Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at 10 23 52 PM
oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Please find the attached zip file.

It contains tree test cases:

Please execute one by one all three batch files content from the root folder. It will help me to understand if the problem is caused by Mono itself, CS-Script mono integration or VSCode internals.

Thank you.


oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

I also noticed recently the "File is a directory" error. Not sure what extension is reporting it. Do you think that it is cs-script?

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

OK, found it "Unable to open" is indeed triggered by CS-Script. Too bad VSCode does not show what extension has triggered the problem.

It seems like VSCode has changed the imlementation of "vscode.open" command and now it is causing error message if file is empty (e.g. cs-script default startup action).

commands.executeCommand("vscode.open", Uri.file(file));

And previously VS code just swallowed the error silently.

Anyway, it is a CS-Script problem and an easy one to fix. I will try to publish the fix tomorrow.

Thank you for pointing me to the right direction.

psrivastava commented 5 years ago

I changed the cmd to .sh and ran. ALL three of them work.

So I took the testing to next step and copied it into extensions of VSCode - UNfortunately it failed again.

But good that we now have .netCore version of it

psrivastava commented 5 years ago

I think , I have found the real issue. Its CSSRoslynProvider.dll. Whether you specify it in config.xml or not, if it is next to cscs.exe, it is always getting picked.

Just rename/delete the dll & now, even existing CSscript extension works !!!!

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

This is rather excellent result.

Testing the script execution with CSSRoslynProvider.dll was the very next thing I was planing to ask you to do. 👍

About CSSRoslynProvider.dll... The default copmiler-as-service on .NET only targets C#4 and on Mono - C#6. Both MS and Mono teams failed to extend this interface to support C7 and higher. CSSRoslynProvider.dll is a custom build of the copmiler-as-service that tunnels the compilation to Roslyn so C#7 syntax can be supported.

CSSRoslynProvider.dll is an extremely aggressive, reverse engineered, Reflection-based hack of the original copmiler-as-service implementation. I have done it as it was the only way to support C#7. And... as with any hack it only works until it stops :) Your experiments completely confirm that this hack no longer works on MacOS+Mono.

This leaves me no choice but to adjust the VSCode extension to fall back to C#6.0 on MackOS+Mono syntax.

I really appreciate your assistance as it brings the clarity.

And I see .NET Core as the only long term solution even though I am sure another Mono hack is possible. :)

Just rename/delete the dll & now, even existing CSscript extension works !!!!

That's excellent. But... there is a more constructive solution for that :)

I would like you to conduct the final experiment for me please. I want to test that "constructive solution" before I release it.

Please restore the original CSSRoslynProvider.dll and alter both of your /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Code/User/cs-script.user/css_config*.xml files by replacing:




This should disable loading CSSRoslynProvider.dll but in a more manageable way.

You can bring both files to edit by executing "Engine settings" command: image

Tank you, Oleg

psrivastava commented 5 years ago

setting 'none' works as well.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Excellent. Txs. Will do the release today.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Done. Please update to v1.5.9.

Thank you for your assistance with fixing this.