Closed Zerpico closed 2 years ago
This is how i did it:
In theme.xml i add MyCheckbox
<Page Name="Install">
<Richedit Name="EulaRichedit" X="11" Y="80" Width="-11" Height="-110" TabStop="yes" FontId="0" HexStyle="0x800000" />
<Checkbox Name="EulaAcceptCheckbox" X="11" Y="270" Width="300" Height="17" TabStop="yes" FontId="3" HideWhenDisabled="yes">#(loc.InstallAcceptCheckbox)</Checkbox>
<Checkbox Name="MyCheckbox" X="11" Y="290" Width="300" Height="17" TabStop="yes" FontId="3" >#(loc.MyCheckLabel)</Checkbox>
<Button Name="OptionsButton" X="-201" Y="-11" Width="85" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0" HideWhenDisabled="yes">#(loc.InstallOptionsButton)</Button>
<Button Name="InstallButton" X="-111" Y="-11" Width="85" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">#(loc.InstallInstallButton)</Button>
<Button Name="WelcomeCancelButton" X="-21" Y="-11" Width="85" Height="23" TabStop="yes" FontId="0">#(loc.InstallCloseButton)</Button>
Then added in bundle a property with the same name as the checkbox
bundle.Variables = new[] {
new Variable("MyCheckbox", "0", VariableType.numeric) { Overridable = true }
And then add Msi package with install condition:
bundle.Chain.Add(new MsiPackage(msiPath) { Compressed = Compressed, InstallCondition = "MyCheckbox<>0" });
How did you include "theme.xml" in the project? Can you share your solution? I would like to bring support for this feature.
@oleg-shilo included the theme file as in the example. Add AttributesDefinition in Application :
var itemsDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) ?? string.Empty;
var bundle = new Bundle(bundleName)
Manufacturer = "MyCompany",
UpgradeCode = new Guid(guid),
Version = version,
IconFile = Path.Combine(itemsDir, iconName),
Application = new LicenseBootstrapperApplication
LicensePath = Path.Combine(itemsDir, "license.rtf"),
LocalizationFile = Path.Combine(itemsDir, "mbapreq.wxl"),
//this atribute add theme
AttributesDefinition = $"ThemeFile={Path.Combine(itemsDir, "RtfTheme.xml")}; ShowVersion=yes; ShowFilesInUse=yes",
LogoFile = Path.Combine(itemsDir, "logo64.png"),
SuppressWixMbaPrereqVars = true
bundle.Variables = new[] {
new Variable("MyCheckbox", "0", VariableType.numeric) { Overridable = true }
bundle.Chain.Add(new MsiPackage(msiPath) { Compressed = Compressed, InstallCondition = "MyCheckbox<>0" });
Excellent. Thank you.
Will add ThemeFile
I will reopen this issue as an Enhancement issue for release tracking purposes.
Silly me, it is already there 😄
By the way, something else might be useful. On the options page, I wanted to see the path to the installation of my main msi. But the EditBox is empty by default. I added an override variable to the bundle.
string installDir = Path.Combine(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%ProgramFiles(x86)%"), CompanyName, AppName);
var bundle = new Bundle(bundleName)
//some properties here
bundle.Variables = new[] {
new Variable("MyInstallDir", installDir) { Overridable = true }
bundle.Chain.Add(new MsiPackage(msiPath) { MsiProperties = "INSTALLDIR=[MyInstallDir]" });
And set for Editbox value is variable [MyInstallDir] in theme.xml
<Page Name="Options">
<Text X="11" Y="80" Width="-11" Height="30" FontId="2" DisablePrefix="yes">#(loc.OptionsHeader)</Text>
<Text X="11" Y="121" Width="-11" Height="17" FontId="3" DisablePrefix="yes">#(loc.OptionsLocationLabel)</Text>
<Editbox Name="FolderEditbox" X="11" Y="143" Width="-91" Height="21" FontId="3" FileSystemAutoComplete="yes">[MyInstallDir]</Editbox>
<Button Name="BrowseButton" X="-11" Y="142" Width="75" Height="23" FontId="3">#(loc.OptionsBrowseButton)</Button>
<Button Name="OptionsOkButton" X="-116" Y="-11" Width="95" Height="30" FontId="0">#(loc.OptionsOkButton)</Button>
<Button Name="OptionsCancelButton" X="-11" Y="-11" Width="95" Height="30" FontId="0">#(loc.OptionsCancelButton)</Button>
This adds in the option page the default path is not empty
Great. Txs. I am adding your sample in the samples library now.
And the next question: "where you defined MyCheckLabel?". Is it coming from the custom WXL?
Change InstallDir not work in bundle 😞 I am attaching a project with an example of MyCheckBox and InstallDir
Hm, indeed it does not. Though the whole idea of "options" page is to push user choice to the individual installers. Will try to rectify it.
This post makes me think that it is a bug in the Burn:
It appears that 'options' page uses a special built-in variable InstallFolder
for tunnelling user-selected folder.
Your code needs to be changed like this:
bundle.Chain.Add(new MsiPackage(msiPath) { MsiProperties = "INSTALLDIR=[InstallFolder]" });
I have also updated the sample with your scenario: 84ce7ff
Bundle has the ability to set a condition for installing the package through a search in the registry.
Is there a similar possibility for setting condition from session variable?
I want to add a checkbox to the theme bundle, which will mean whether to install some feature or not