oleg-shilo / wixsharp

Framework for building a complete MSI or WiX source code by using script files written with C# syntax.
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Question: CustomBA own design #546

Closed Torchok19081986 closed 5 years ago

Torchok19081986 commented 5 years ago

Hallo Oleg, i have some questions and hope you can give me some answers.

  1. Is it posible to set own design in BA? WPF Application with example MahApps.Metro.dll , MetroFramework. dll - something like that ? I found link: https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=wixbootstrapper For me are important are featuretree, what can be installed or user want to install.

  2. Is size of embeded files in BA important ? I want to add package >=1 GB like SqlServer, Redistributables etc. Am i right, if i have to extract embeded files to temp or destation folder and start it from there ? Do you have some examples of scenarion like that ?

Thanks already for Info.

Xaddan commented 5 years ago

There is an example: wixsharp\Source\src\WixSharp.Samples\Wix# Samples\Bootstrapper\WixBootstrapper_UI

There is no size limit. You need to make ExePackagefor the package being installed, and the Bootstrapper will unpack/cache and install it.

Torchok19081986 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for info. I examine sample closer. And what about appearance and featuretree ? I use ManagedUI with Custom dialog. Is it possible ?

Xaddan commented 5 years ago

You either use the bootstrapper UI or the ManagedUI installer. If you select ManagedUI then the featuretree is already implemented. If the UI bootstrapper, then you have to implement it yourself.

Xaddan commented 5 years ago

To be implemented in the bootstrapper, first of all you need to install the installer MsiPackage, specify EnableFeatureSelection.

new MsiPackage(name)
   EnableFeatureSelection = true,

After this, the installer features will be imported into BootstrapperApplicationData.xml, which you will have to parse and form a featuretree.

Xaddan commented 5 years ago

You can download the Wix source and see the WixBA project (burn.sln )

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Showing ManagedUI from Bootstrapper is problematic. WiX/Burn have a long standing but that prevents BA showing any embeddedUI (not only WixSharp). The but is scheduled to be fixed in WiX v4.0

Though only WiX team can know for sure.

Torchok19081986 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for info oleg. ok. i going to try CustomBA with ManagedUI. Maybe wix 4.0 makes some improvements for BA. Wix 4.0 ist already available, but found nothing for BA on github for wix4.0.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

No WiX 4.0 is not available!

Found it the hard way, unfortunately. Wasted the whole weekend trying to integrate Wix4 and at the end found that it has multiple show-stopper bugs (e.g. https://github.com/wixtoolset/issues/issues/5169) that are not fixed yet.

Chased it further and found that WiX4 binaries I was working with are in fact unreleased builds. As per today (9 Dec 2018) WiX only recommends WiX3.11:


Torchok19081986 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for Info Oleg. i found only http://wixtoolset.org/releases/v4-0-0-5205/.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

Yep, that's the one that I was working with.

Nothing indicates that it is not the recommended release. Right?!

But the page just one level up says that v3.11.1 is the "Recommended Build": http://wixtoolset.org/releases/

Unfortunately WiX team did not make it easy :(

Torchok19081986 commented 5 years ago

Ok. Only one thing, can you please give me a link for Tutorial of CustomBA. Not wix itself. Maybe some completly begginers guid. It little bit difficult to know all Info for BA, so that i can create own BA with feature i need. Then you can close the issue / question.

oleg-shilo commented 5 years ago

In WixSharp samples you will find WixBootstrapper_UI sample.

The WixSharp wiki article on bootstrapper is also very useful.